Trump, Kevin Jackson, silence is deafening

The following article, Trump Has Republicans in the Best Position Ever, was first published on The Black Sphere.

If you’re a Republican, grab the popcorn because things are getting spicy. We’re not just kicking butt and taking names – the Democrats are kicking their own butts, and we’re just handling the name-taking.

What’s I love most is we Republicans have a superbly flawed candidate who mimics real life. No more goody-two-shows like the Mitt Romneys who portray himself as presidential, yet represent the worst of republicanism. Enough of those stick-up-the-ass RINOs. We’ve finally ditched the stiff-shirted “Romney Republicans” with their fake presidential air.

Trump? He’s the anti-RINO. Real as it gets. The more he’s persecuted by the swamp creatures, the more the public sees him as a hero of the people.

Trump flipped the script on Democrats on wealth and in other ways they can’t recover; unless they actually change their evil ways.

The America public down to its core knows what Democrats and Kamala Harris represent. Four more years of puppet leadership, and an America run by unelected NWO cabal members who rig elections for sport. I can only imagine the NWO underground who gather to watch elections around the country, and rejoice when they see the outcomes of their dirty work.

The people who plot the demise of America are truly sick people.

And their constituency is about to lose their minds when Trump gets re-elected and serves his rightful second term. But that will only be the start. Watch this lunatic in action:


But this  man will look sane to others by comparison after Trump’s victory. Because as Trump performs and actually makes America great again, these people will dive deeper into depression. The reality of their lives will begin to set in. The reality that nobody will care about their pronouns or what gender role they feel that day. Sadly for them, the world will judge them on their talents of which most have none. These snowflakes will be forced to enter “the real world” which will be difficult at first. That is, until they realize they have no other choice.

Knowing the outcome of the election, Harris has gone into exile. In the meantime, Team Harris has pivoted, yet again.

They claim that the man who has campaigned 52 days straight is “tired”. And in a case of real irony is that Harris has taken two days off in the home stretch of her campaign. And we thought Biden was the crazy one.

Rumor has it that things have become so desperate for Harris, she’s authorized her campaign to lie. As if that hasn’t already been their strategy, it appears that Harris considers more lying, “our last hope!”

With Harris in political rehab, the Harris campaign continues to stoop lower. It appears that her media minions are actually regurgitating the Russian influence story. Circa 2016 bullsh*t, that didn’t work for Hillary Clinton and it won’t work for Harris.

Do Democrats even recognize how much this race mimics 2016. Possibly the only exception is that nobody has ever thought Harris has lead Trump. In retrospect, I’m not sure if Democrats ever believed Clinton was leading Trump. I know I never believed it.

Like in 2016, Trump held rallies with tens of thousands and Hillary planned staged events. Polls tried to convince us that one of the most hated women in America was beating Trump. The same is true today with Harris.

Trump is impervious to any negative news.

Understand how badly the strategy of the Left backfired. They report negatively on Trump over 90 percent of the time. By contrast the media reports positively on Harris over 90 percent of the time. And this despite Harris being a trainwreck of a candidate. The reason this strategy backfired is it created bad news fatigue as it relates to Trump.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the sweet irony of what was intended to destroy Trump actually ending up making the man immune to attack.

More irony is that Democrats in 2016 strategized for Trump to face Hillary Clinton. The difference this time is they strategized for Kamala Harris to face Trump, as if the outcome would be any different.

Eight years later and Trump is a better, smarter candidate–thanks to the Democrats’ attempts to destroy the man!

And making Trump better made the Republicans better; it made America better. More irony? In Democrats’ zeal to destroy the country and Trump, they actually destroyed themselves.

It’s become cliche to discuss all the ways Democrats have imploded. We learned of a crooked DOJ, a crooked media, and much more. Donald Trump’s second term will allow us to return this country back to its path to greatness.




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