There is no one more racist than a woke liberal towards a Black Conservative and Ana Navarro is no exception, as she called Black artists “trained seals” for daring to not go along with the monolith narrative she has come up with in her lack of a brain.

So Navarro has a problem with Snoop Dogg because he thinks differently than her and points to the fact that he despised Trump during his first term. However, she lacks critical thinking, as people are entitled to change their minds, as not everyone is a mindless monolith like her.

Additionally, it does his career no favors to be tolerant toward Trump so it’s almost certain that no one told him to do what he did. His managers probably advised against it. However, according to Ana, this still makes him a “trained seal” even though he acted under his free will.

It was once believed that it was impossible to be this objectively stupid but never underestimate the ignorance of those on the left.

According to Ana, this is what it means to be a trained seal.

The fact that someone can change their mind proves the exact opposite of what she is saying, as he is going against the status quo of the entertainment industry.

Although it would have been much better had he supported Trump before his win, this is really a nonissue for both sides. Many people despised Trump in 2016 and 2020 but supported him this time around. This also proves how irrelevant the media has become, especially the ladies on The View.

– YouTube

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