Sexually dimorphic mammals follow a similar pattern, that of male and female in purely biological roles. While the social order may vary wildly from one species to another (see for example this discussion of chimpanzees and bonobos), an inescapable commonality exists: females gestate the next generation within their own bodies and also give birth to, suckle, and take care of infants during their earliest, most vulnerable days. The degree to which males help in raising the young, provisioning and protecting, developing and improving the lived environment, is clearly not fixed; that is to say the male role is environmentally and culturally determined.

women seem to me to have rendered the more noble and selfless service and to have been the vital foundation of the nation. – John Glubb, The Fate of Empires.

In human terms, women are breeders first and foremost, uniquely enabled to propagate the species. Is there a more honorable or meaningful role than to produce new life? Humanity venerates the Earth Mother for good reason. Heaven itself has issued a mandate for the worship and pedestalization of women that reaches far beyond mere sexual impulses, a mandate that touches the very heart of existence. Motherhood is as near to the divine as can be found in the natural world.

Men are biologically incapable of accomplishing the wonder of women. Call it nature, call it fate, call it whatever you wish, but reality being that which doesn’t go away if you don’t like it, someone must produce the next generation and someone must care for the consequent new and dependent life. Females alone are capable by force of genetics and biology to take on the role. Males therefore are obligated to honor and support them to the necessary degree. If that doesn’t happen, the species dies out.

This is the natural order, and it exists independently of anyone’s preferences. Females, not males, produce new life. At present there are no viable alternatives, fem/woke/trans/singularity fantasies notwithstanding. As with all dioecious species, females generate life while males support and improve that life at whatever level is necessary to ensure continuation of the species. Among humans, the highest form of this symbiosis is the pair-bonded nuclear family, the development and maintenance of which appears to be a requirement for producing civilization.

According to sociologist Jim Penman in Biohistory – Decline and Fall of the West, civilization arises in societies featuring military prowess, a strong, unifying faith or religion, and a patriarchal, family-oriented social order, one which places women at the center of life, that center being found in the home. Men are on the periphery, protecting, providing, digging the moats, defending and raiding, but also ordering the society at large. A man’s home is his castle, his woman rules that castle, and that castle is the final refuge from external influences, including government.

Men and women both have always faced restrictions and obligations enforced in a variety of ways. Men died in battle, women died in childbirth, not the other way around. Men were forced to sacrifice their bodies to hard labor and military service, women were forced to restrict their sexual and political activities. There have always been significant deviations, exceptions and alternatives, but the system worked well enough to ensure the one thing that mattered – sufficient numbers of new humans were created and survived to ensure the growth and especially cultural continuity (via epigenetics, according to Penman) necessary for complex societies to develop. Men and women alike were obligated but also incentivized to comply with the prevailing social and cultural structure, and where they did, civilization flourished.

When women go wrong, men go right after them. – Mae West

Human females however, in their quest for equality and empowerment, arrogantly declared that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and by doing so suborned the natural order. More importantly, they manufactured a new form of class conflict, one between the two sexes, a conflict that undermined the cooperation required to produce subsequent generations of civilized human beings. In effect, women declared war on men and thereby on civilization itself. Worse, governments and institutions world-wide blindly took on their cause.

The results of women’s ‘liberation’ are now becoming painfully obvious. Western feminist culture has infected most of the planet (yes, that includes Russia and China). Consequently most developed and developing countries today face a total fertility rate (TFR) well below replacement. TFR is falling in every country, regardless. Most (if not all) developed countries have implemented no-fault (that is, unilateral) divorce. Most developed countries focus almost exclusively on women when contemplating solutions to falling birth rates; none examine the state of marriage and family. None question the ever-declining role of men in families and other spheres of life. None question the long-term viability of the single-mother welfare state (current US budget $1.7 trillion – the Pentagon gasps in awe and envy). None analyze the risks and benefits for men (or children) of the current male/female equation.

Heaps of Infant Bones

The cognitive dissonance and mental illness generated by rejecting the most fundamental of all social relationships has been growing noticeably. Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin described the loss of rational thought which accompanies societal dominance by non-monogamous females. The current proliferation of crazy indicates that humanity, led by Western women and their simps, is once again falling back from the lofty heights of civilization and descending into the cesspool of blood and murder that marks barbarism.

Will future archaeologists marvel at the heaps of infant bones discovered when excavating the lost remnants of Western Civilization? Camille Paglia famously said “If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.” She argued that the dynamic between the male desire for order and the female tendency towards chaos provides the energy and motivation needed to generate civilization.

An Existential Dilemma

That dynamic has been eliminated, upended, destroyed by feminist ideologues in full control of the state and its myriad institutions. The challenge now facing humanity: create anew a cultural and legal consensus which assures balance and cooperation in the one truly-essential social contract, that between men and women, or slide inevitably into world-wide disorder and primitivism.

This is the existential question of our time. If history is any guide, civilization has already been lost – it just doesn’t know it yet, despite the growing evidence. And it’s unlikely that President Trump, even with Elon and the Big-Balls Brownshirts onside, can stop what’s coming.

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