Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.

Happy Sunday, dear friends! Still feels a bit early, doesn’t it? Grab a Mimosa or there’s plenty of freshly brewed coffee (and some premium spirits to enhance). Eggs benedict, lox and bagels, crispy bacon and, well, the table is full this morning. Ever since Jan 20th every week has been surprising, infuriating and, definitely entertaining. From the high of capturing the butcher of Abbey Gate to the low of witnessing the sheer malevolence of Congressional Democrats, this past week has been another one for the books. Time to relax, regroup, and let’s get to it. L’Chaim!


No good deed goes unpunished

And Woke virtue-signaling proves Karma is a stone-cold, psycho bitch.

Left-wing managers of a Paris theatre occupied by hundreds of homeless African migrants are set to abandon the building because of sex-related violence.

They say the crisis at the Gaîté Lyrique – one of the French capital’s most historic arts venues – is now ‘so explosive’ that retreat by this Friday is their only option.

Some 200 mainly young men moved in last December when the management gave them free tickets to a ‘Refugees Welcome in France’ conference.

Refuges? Uh oh. Let’s take a wild guess that these third world, unattached military-aged males have a whole different set of societal values that do not include respecting the no-no square.

But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mostly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

And now these druggie, rapey squatters not only have caused the cancelation of performances but even more radical leftists are supporting them …

Calling themselves the Collectif des Jeunes du Parc de Belleville – after a Parisian park – they view the occupation as being part of the ‘anti-racist and anti-colonial struggle’.

Where’s Macron?



Dangerous animals in the wild sport bright colors of warning

It’s blue hair for the L, every.friggin.time.


No matter how bad you think the waste, fraud, and abuse uncovered by DOGE is …

It is far, far worse.

Officially, Medicaid issued $543 billion in improper payments from 2015 to 2024, but the actual total is almost certainly double that amount, Greszler and Blase contend. That’s because, they explain, “the Obama and Biden administrations excluded eligibility checks in their audits of improper payments in Medicaid—the so-called PERM (Payment Error Rate Measurement) audits. We estimate that the true amount of improper payments in Medicaid is twice as high as reported.”

Whenever you see a member of the Mandarin class screaming hysterically about the DOGE cuts, understand they aren’t doing it out of some sort of worry about the poor or elderly. They are terrified of the exposure of their decades of hand-over-fist stealing from, and buggery of, the system.

It’s obscene. Now, here, let me refill your glass and tell you what I’m worried about. A rabid animal is most dangerous when it’s cornered. This is going to get worse.






Gavin Newsom is running for President

First off, Newsom has pivoted to trying to be the Left’s Joe Rogan. Then he has on Charlie Kirk and tries to act like a moderate (emphasis on “act”):

He suggests that it’s profoundly unfair for a man to compete in women’s sports, as any sane person must. But then he still tries to find some kind of middle ground with the bit about how we have to have “grace” for self-identified trans people because “they’re more likely to commit suicide.”

This is classic Newsom doublespeak. He’s not actually committing to any particular position.

Double-speak nothing. Hairgel is gaslighting. Look at just one example of what is still happening in California:

Exactly who is the ‘vulnerable community’ in this, Gavin? Dear lord, someone pass me a dry gin, double martini, three garlic-stuffed olives, STAT!



Your Sunday palate cleanser

“Dinosaur Erection Specialist” … yes, dears, it is a real job and get your mind out of the gutter.

Ry Williams is a self-described “dinosaur erection specialist” who’s a lot like a window dresser at a department store, except instead of arranging mannequins he poses and positions delicate, huge and ancient dinosaur skeletons.

Almost always, they’re positioned as natural to how they likely would’ve looked millions of years ago when they were alive.

Sometimes, though, Williams gets to let his hair down a little, like with his latest work at Dino Lab in British Columbia, Canada, which has two mortal enemies talking over some lovely tea.

courtesy Ry Williams

The teacup in T-Rex’s little claws just slays me.


Your Sunday smile

You might have already seen this … but it needs to be played over and over. Hankies up!


I’m sorry to say, dears, that our brunch today has come to a close. Spend the rest of Sunday in good company — friends, family or a good book. The future is looking a little brighter. Meet you here next week. Cheers!

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

The post Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails appeared first on Victory Girls Blog.

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