Democrat voters are starting to wake up in droves….

Red-pill moments are happening all over the place and I’m hear for it!

I say welcome aboard!

Like this woman who says she didn’t do her homework and now she regrets voting for Kamala after seeing all the good President Trump has done already.

Take a look:


All right, y’all, listen.
Let me be one of the first Black women who was part of the 92 or 93 percent that voted for Kamala.
I’m here to say it: I regret voting for Kamala.
I really do—I regret voting for her.

Already, into Trump’s presidency—not even a full month—and this man has already secured the borders.
He’s already signing bills that uplift this country.
I regret not doing my research and being investigative about all the things that Trump has done.
Having this eye-opener and really looking at how this man works has put something on my heart.

I don’t know what I was thinking when I voted for Kamala in the first place.
I’m glad of the results.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to say that I’m glad Trump is in office.
However, I was lost when I participated in the Kamala campaign, and now, taking a step back to look at how this president is running things—even though it hasn’t even been a full month—is something I think about.

So, I advise people in the Democratic Party—myself included—to do your research, really do your research.
I can definitely say that, as a Black woman who was part of the 93 percent, I made an error.
I can admit that, and I take accountability.

Here is a full screen video player with captions if you need a backup:


Stephen A. Smith Surprises Joy Behar When He Destroys Her Opinion

Stephen A. Smith Surprises Joy Behar When He Destroys Her Opinion

Those shrill bitches from The View had Stephen A. Smith on today to chat with them.

It was clear they were expecting Stephen A. to agree with them and trash President Trump, Joy Behar especially clearly expected that.

But even as Behar was setting the stage with her question, trying to set Stephen A. up to slam President Trump, you could tell just by his face and body language that he was not having any of it.

And credit to him, he did not back down.

Surrounded by lions in their den, Stephen A. stuck to his guns and he explained the TRUTH to Joyless Behar.

He also made clear as he has done several times in the past that he’s not a Trump supporter, he’s just a truth supporter and someone with common sense.

Isn’t it funny how often that keeps happening?

All these people who have trashed Trump for years — like Stephen A. Smith and Michael Rapaport to name two — they’re starting to have these mini little red-pill awakenings, and they can’t quite bring themselves yet to say they support Trump and think he’s doing a good job, but they’re tip-toeing in that direction, claiming they like some of what he’s doing and they’re just using “common sense” and seeking “truth”.

And it just so happens when you use common senes and seek truth, you almost always end up at the doorstep of Donald J. Trump.

Watch here:


Joy Behar:
He’s been going around with his cronies touting his so-called landslide and blowout win.
But he won the popular vote by 1.5 percent—one of the smallest ever.
And he won the general election by less than 50 percent.
So what kind of mandate is this really?

Stephen A. Smith:
It is a mandate, and I’m going to explain why.
And I don’t mind the question, but let me be very clear: I’m no supporter of Trump; I’m a supporter of truth and the facts.
And here’s the facts: The man won every swing state.
He increased his voter turnout in his favor from the standpoint of Blacks, Latinos, and young voters.

Stephen A. Smith:
He increased his numbers in that regard from 2020; 89 percent of the counties shifted to the right.
That’s a mandate.
We can sit up there and play around all we want to.
In 2020, Trump didn’t win the popular vote.

Stephen A. Smith:
He didn’t win the Electoral College vote.
A matter of fact, the Republicans had won the popular vote—if I remember correctly—since 2004.
But they did this year.
So, 20 years after they last won a popular vote, they won the popular vote.

Stephen A. Smith:
They won the Electoral College vote.
The man won every swing state.
And on top of it all, 89 percent of the counties shifted.
I don’t understand how people can look at that and say there’s no mandate.

Stephen A. Smith:
There’s a mandate.
It’s a different definition of a mandate.
But the problem is, if you’re the Democratic Party, you lost 49.8 percent to 48.3 percent.
And you’re looking at that 1.5 percent.

Stephen A. Smith:
That’s an excuse for you to say what we did really wasn’t that bad.
We should continue to do that.
No, don’t continue to find a new strategy.

Backup video here with captions added:

It’s not the first time Stephen A. has done this recently….

Joy really should have done her homework.

This was from just a few weeks ago:

STUNNED SILENCE: Stephen A. Smith Drops Truth Bomb On Bill Maher

STUNNED SILENCE: Stephen A. Smith Drops Truth Bomb On Bill Maher

There sure do seem to be a LOT of previously Left/Democrats waking up these days, don’t you think?

Oh sure, I don’t think they’ll go so far as to call themselves “MAGA” just quite yet, but they’re only a small half step away from it, even if they themselves don’t realize it.

Michael Rapaport.

Stephen A. Smith.

Even Bill Maher himself!

They’re all waking up to the fact that Donald Trump is more “normal” and more “pro America” than anyone on the left — by a mile!

That’s what Stephen A. Smith just told the audience on Bill Maher’s show and there was stunned silence in the crowd after he got done:

“Now, you might know the answer to that. I’m certainly not questioning your knowledge about that at all. What I’m saying is what resonated with the voter.

“What voter out there can look at the Democratic Party at this moment in time and say, ‘There’s a voice for us, somebody that speaks for us, that goes up on Capitol Hill and fights the fights that we want them fighting on our behalf.’ They didn’t do that.

“And that’s why they’re behind a home. And that man is back in the White House, and they want to sit up there. You look at the networks right now. They’re talking about, ‘Look at it. This is the latest. Look at him. Here he goes again.’

“Well, you know what ‘here he goes again’ means? He’s doing what he said he was going to do. He promised you he was going to do these things, and he walked in the office week one, and that’s exactly what he’s doing.

“He’s saying, ‘You all do something about it.’ When you try to do something about it, he’s going to say, ‘Look at them now. Now they’re concerned about these issues. Were they talking about that during the campaign?’ Hell, no. That’s really it.”

Watch here:


Michael Rapaport Unloads On Dr. Fauci

ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith Reveals Why He Regrets Voting For Kamala Harris

Stephen A. Smith: “Trump is WHIPPIN’ y’all ass! You can’t beat him!”

Stephen A. Smith: “Trump is WHIPPIN’ y’all ass! You can’t beat him!”

I’ve never been a huge Stephen A. Smith fan, always found him a bit grating…

But he’s going viral today for a rant about Democrats getting their “asses whipped” that is so good I had to share with you.

It’s almost as if he’s starting to red-pill right in front of our eyes?

Now I don’t want to misquote him or suggest he’s now a Trump supporter, because he clearly isn’t.

But I view this as a huge Step 1 towards a full-blown red-pilling.

And even though I doubt he would ever admit it even if it were true, I wonder if secretly in that voting both come November if he fills in the circle next to Donald J. Trump.

It wouldn’t surprise me after hearing this:

Backup here if needed:

There you go Stephen….we posted your full video so you can’t claim you were misquoted.

How soon before Stephen “Naismith” goes the full distance and posts a rant like this:

Far-Left “Comedian” Michael Rapaport Posts New Rant: “Voting Trump Is ON THE TABLE!”

No, you are not reading a repeat article.

Last year, Michael Rapaport stunned many by posting a rant online saying “voting for Trump is on the table.”

Today he just went on another foul-mouthed rant and once again confirmed voting for Trump is absolutely ON THE TABLE!

Excuse the vile language, but here’s a portion of what he said:

“This is why when I say voting for Pig, Donald Trump is on the table. Voting for Pig, Donald Trump is on the table. The other day in New York City, six illegal aliens jumped a New York City cop. NYPD’s finest, they jumped a New York City cop in Times Square and were arrested and released without bail. I know it’s a city thing; I know it’s a state thing. I know all that. Okay, stay with me.

Released without bail, they came out of the courtroom on some Tupac, raising the middle finger with the Detroit Red Wings jersey. Let me tell you something: What the f*ck is the world coming to if you can be from another country, beat up a cop in New York City, and walk out with no bail? What the f*ck is the world coming to?”

“On the same day that happens, Cadaver Joe Biden issues an executive order about four “settlers” in Judea Samaria, aka the West Bank. Some troublemakers. Three of the four have already been arrested. You issue an executive order about four troublemaking ops who’ve already been arrested in Judea Samaria while there’s a war going on, while there’s a hundred plus hostages still being held in Gaza. You’re talking about that, but you’ve got nothing to say about beating up cops in New York City, the greatest city on earth?

Maybe my city is not the greatest city on earth anymore if you could beat up cops. If you could beat up cops in the “greatest” city in the world and be released without bail, are we the greatest city on earth? Cadaver Joe Biden, we see you. We see you.

Don’t worry about those in Israel. BB got them. Israel will take care of them. Worry about cops getting beat up in Times Square and walking out with no bail like Tupac Shakur; worry about that. This is why voting for Pig Donald Trump is still on the table.”

Watch it here:

Here’s more, from Fox News:

Comedian and staunch critic of former President Trump Michael Rapaport unleashed a scathing rant against New York City’s immigration problems and President Biden’s priorities this week, suggesting that if Biden doesn’t deal with the problems here at home, voting for Trump is “on the table.”

Rapaport shared a video to X Friday railing against the recent news story about illegal immigrants in New York City beating up cops and then being released shortly after the altercation.

Furious at the idea that the Biden Administration has been tougher on foreign issues than domestic issues like a record migrant surge, Rapaport opened the clip by slamming his fist on a table and declaring, “This is why when I say voting for pig d— Donald Trump is on the table, voting for pig d— Donald Trump is on the table!”


Rapaport on TV
Comedian Michael Rapaport slammed the Biden Administration for not prioritizing the migrant situation thats ravaging New York City, warning that voting for former President Trump is “on the table.” (Charles Sykes/Bravo/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
He explained, “The other day in New York City, six illegal aliens jumped a New York City cop. NYPD’s finest. They jumped a New York City cop in Times Square and were arrested and released without bail.”

The incident happened this week and was captured on surveillance footage. It showed two cops wrestling with and getting kicked by multiple migrants. As Rapaport noted, several of the men arrested for the incident were released without bail and four of them are believed to have used fake names to obtain travel vouchers and flee the city for California.

Rapaport appeared furious with the news and commented on recent footage showing one of the migrants flipping off a news camera while leaving a New York City courtroom. “Released without bail. Came out of the courtroom on some Tupac – raising the middle finger with the Detroit Redwings jersey.”

“Let me tell you something, what the f— is the world coming to if you could be from another country, beat up a cop in New York City and walk out with no f—— bail? What the f— is the world coming to?”

And now if you missed his rant from last year, here it is:

Michael Rapaport FLAGGED By Instagram!

Well, that was quick!

After 8 years of being one of the biggest “Never Trumpers” out there, Michael Rapaport released a viral video this week complaining about the economy — comparing to be being less desirable than a colonoscopy — and then said voting for Trump was “on the table”.

You gotta love it!

I’ll post that down below, but here’s the hilarious part….

There is no honor among thieves and the “thieves” over at Instagram quickly turned on the actor hitting his account with a warning about posting “False Information”.


Watch this:

Here’s what the warning looked like according to reports:

In the interest of full disclosure, I tested it myself and did NOT receive the warning message, so perhaps Instagram has seen the online mockery and (temporarily?) taken down the warning.

We will continue to monitor.

Here was the original story we covered earlier this week, which includes Rapaport saying he may be voting TRUMP!

Famous Anti-Trumper and Actor Now Ready To Vote TRUMP In 2024!

Ok, I apologize right off the bat, perhaps I shouldn’t have said “famous”.

I’m not sure how famous this guy actually is.

Have you heard of him before?  Michael Rapaport?

Ok, so how about “D-List Famous Anti-Trumper and Actor”…is that more accurate?

Or how about “Infamous”?

Either way, a dude who fancies himself a Comedian and Actor named Michael Rapaport has been suffering an EXTREME case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for the better part of 8 years now, but suddenly shocked the world when he went live online to announce he’s not only talked to President Trump but he’s likely going to vote for him in 2024.

Pretty incredible.

Watch this short clip here:

Longer clip here, where he talks about having spoken with President Trump:

Fugly Michael Rapaport Says He’s Had Conversation with Donald Trump and Voting for for Him is Now on the Table 🤣


• He can’t get a job
• The economy sucks
• Mortgage rates are too high
• Interest rates are too high
• Can’t buy a car, can’t buy a house
• There’s no law and order
• Illegals are taking over
• There’s chaos in this country and chaos all over the world

But don’t worry… even if he votes for him, he’s still gonna call him “Pig D*ck Donald Trump”


Ok, so in typical classless fashion he has to point out he’ll still call him “Pig Dick Trump” even if he votes for him.

And you know what?

I don’t have a problem with that.

Free Speech kind of works like that.

But as always, this confirms one of the oldest and most reliable truths in politics, I believe first famously said by James Carville: “It’s the economy stupid!”

People can go Far Left Woke and dream about Far Left ideals…..UNTIL… hits THEM in the pocketbook.

So people like Michael Rapaport, who have maybe banked up some money from his time in Hollywood, might be able to stay Far Left for longer than most, but eventually when even he can’t get a job anymore or afford a house or afford a car, finally even he taps out.

It’s the economy stupid!


And eventually people realize that and say “Enough’s Enough!” when they themselves turn poor.

Often it’s too late by that point, but credit to Michael for finally waking up.

For a history on Michael’s Extreme TDS and prior flare-ups, keep reading:

TDS ALERT: Michael Rappaport Goes On Another Unhinged Meltdown Over Trump…

Michael Rappaport just went on another unhinged meltdown over Trump and Russia and Ukraine.

I know, many of you are saying “Michael who?”

But he’s semi-famous, or was at one time, and claims to be a comedian, or was at one time…

Kind of like Kathy Griffin, D List material I guess.

Almost two years into Trump being out of public office and Trump is still living rent-free in this guy’s head.

Kind of sad.

Kind of funny.

Very tacky.

Just watch here for yourself on Rumble:

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