Shouldn’t someone whose title involves the words ‘Homeland Security’ want to prioritize, say, protecting the country from terror plots?

According to the reports, it is not clear if the 27-year old was radicalised before or after he came to the US after the American troop withdrawal from Afghanistan as Taliban took over the reins at the end of a bloody war of over 20 years.

Tawhedi reportedly worked as a security guard for the Central Intelligence Agency, and arrived in the US in September 2021. — WION

When it came to light that there could be CIA connections to the Afghan man arrested for plotting an ISIS-style jihadi attack in Oklahoma on election day, a Fox News reporter brought the question to Mayorkas.

Predictably, he ducked it.

Because she’s a real reporter, Jacqui Heinrich kept digging and got answers to those questions elsewhere. But (Impeached!) Mayorkas said nothing.

Sure, the hurricane was a big deal, but it’s not like anyone really believes that Mayorkas is on the phone with individual trucking companies and facilitating delivery of emergency supplies, do we?

But looking into rumored connections between the freaking CIA and an ISIS (affiliated or inspired) Afghan national arrested for an election-day terror plot who just HAPPENED to have hopped a plane in Biden’s reenactment of the Fall of Saigon seems like a big deal, doesn’t it?

Especially when we see how many times the ultimate objectives of the CIA seem to be coming from their own little cabal of global experts and NOT so much from the express will of elected officials to whom they are Constitutionally accountable.

Have we forgotten how Obama’s CIA director, Brennan (still a darling to the leftwing media) got caught using government tools to hack the Senate so that Obama’s administration could know what was being said about waterboarding?

Or how they personally put their thumb on the scale discrediting Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinfo, which, polls tell us, almost certainly changed the election outcome.

It’s no secret that various government departments have been enormously partisan and desperate to discredit or disparage the 45th President.

But doesn’t the conscience kick in at some point? Shouldn’t someone in this administration say — enough is enough — all the power in the world isn’t worth having the blood of American civilians on my hands?

Or are these clods in so deep now that any news story is ‘just’ another statistic… another name added to a long list of others?

He had time to go shopping at a store that sells $3000 dollar suits while stranded Americans couldn’t get access to food or water, but we’re supposed to believe he’s super-concerned about the hurricane right now? That he can’t possibly spare a moment or a thought for the possibility that jihadis might think adding some slaughter and chaos to an already-fraught election cycle might be worth looking into?

Especially amid claims that agents from our own government might have some of their own fingerprints in this debacle?

He was impeached for a reason. And that’s one more thing the cowards and reprobated in Schumer’s senate must answer for.

Psalms of War: Prayers That Literally Kick Ass is a collection, from the book of Psalms, regarding how David rolled in prayer. I bet you haven’t heard these read, prayed, or sung in church against our formidable enemies — and therein lies the Church’s problem. We’re not using the spiritual weapons God gave us to waylay the powers of darkness. It might be time to dust them off and offer ‘em up if you’re truly concerned about the state of Christ’s Church and of our nation.

Also included in this book, Psalms of War, are reproductions of the author’s original art from his Biblical Badass Series of oil paintings.

This is a great gift for the prayer warriors. Real. Raw. Relevant.

The post Secretary (Impeached) Mayorkas Silent On CIA Connections With Election-Day Terrorist appeared first on Clash Daily.

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