Think back — WAAAY Back — to just one month after Trump made his famous appearance on the golden escalator. The big story was a hidden camera video exposing Planned Parenthood as discussing the sale of intact baby parts for use by medical research.

His story became a real scandal to Planned Parenthood. The GOP was starting to wake up not just to the fact that they were taking a lot of their federal funding, and dumping it back into the political campaigns that would get Democrats elected.

Worse than their abuse of tax dollars to flip elections was the way they flaunt laws governing what can and cannot be done in an abortion process. Under people like Rubio, these videos were being used to energize a movement that would put Planned Parenthood under the microscope and prompt changes in law.

Enter Kamala Harris, California’s AG, who went out of their way to criminalize that reporting, slapping them with 15 indictments, raiding their apartments and seizing footage, including some that had not been released. It wasn’t until January of this year — a decade later — that California dropped the charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, despite a Texas court ruling that these videos were in no way ‘deceptively edited’ as the Planned Parenthood people would have claimed.

Fast forward to March of 2025, and the same Manhattan Planned Parenthood site that was featured in the baby parts videos, and you see THIS news:

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, amid mounting financial pressure, is looking to sell its SoHo building and shutter the clinic there, a move that will leave the nonprofit with no services in Manhattan, the reproductive health care provider told Gothamist.
“It is a building that requires more and more expensive maintenance, and it’s not designed to support the health care needs of the future,” Stark said of the SoHo building. Planned Parenthood moved into the site in the early 1990s. It once bore the name of the organization’s founder, Margaret Sanger.

The move comes amid financial troubles that have already forced Planned Parenthood to shut down four clinics across the state in recent months, including one on Staten Island, and cut some services. The nonprofit stopped providing abortions after 20 weeks at its Manhattan health center and discontinued the option of deep sedation for IUD placements. — Gothamist

This announcement was not lost on David Daleiden, as evidenced in the post he attached to the Gothamist story cited above.

Here is the caption
Planned Parenthood is shutting down its flagship abortion factory in NYC where it killed and sold preemie-age babies up to 6 months.

Its lead abortionist giggled about selling the livers for $1,500 each— @PPFA tried to suppress this footage for 9 years:

And here is the video.

Planned Parenthood is closing a ‘high-volume’ location because they can’t afford the upkeep? Good.

As for Sanger, they should be happy to be distancing themselves from a building bearing her name.

After all, if past connections with slavery are reason enough for being ‘cancelled’ and drummed out of polite society, how much more so would a bigoted Eugenecist like Sanger who saw abortion as a means to social hygeine that would help rid the world of unfit children.

[…]Sanger also embraced eugenics. Although she did not make her eugenicist arguments in explicitly racist terms, she nevertheless worked with those who did, including Klansman and Nazi sympathizer Lothrop Stoddard, author of The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy.

Before World War II, Stanford University itself had close ties to the eugenics movement, with vocal advocates among faculty members Lewis Terman and Elwood Cubberley as well as Stanford President David Starr Jordan. In the 1930s, the Nazis in Germany relied on California eugenics research and policy to develop their own programs. — Stanford University

Oh right.  Klansman AND Nazi.

Funny how those are exactly the favorite guilt-by-association connections the left likes to throw at the right. It’s almost the perfect analog as some guy driving a Volkswagon scrawling a swastika on a Tesla… oblivious of the sordid origin story of his own automobile.

The post PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Baby Parts Whistleblowers Get Last Laugh Over Manhattan Abortion Mill appeared first on Clash Daily.

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