Hillary Clinton has a habit of locking her replies whenever she posts on social media.

Anyone accustomed to catching the blowback that she’s had to live with for years probably learns that lesson at some point.

Today, she posted about the Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth.

But she forgot to lock her replies.  (Whoops!)

In essence, Hillary Clinton did what people often do when they are projecting their own motives and behaviors onto other people.

She accused Hegseth of being like her; willing to COWER to Vladimir Putin.

Here’s the post that Hillary is regretting even now as you read this:

And since I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to wipe this post away like she tried to wipe away any evidence of her illegal server…

Here’s a backup photo of her post, well beyond her witchy reach:

First let’s give appropriate attention to the story Hillary shared.

Reportedly, Hegseth has ordered the U.S. Cyber Command to cease offensive planning operations against Russia as part of President Trump’s attempts to alter the current paradigm of U.S.-Russia relations.

I don’t know if that story is true or not (you certainly can’t tell from the reporting in that Gizmodo story whether or not it’s true, since everything hinges on secondary sourcing and the ever-present “anonymous” sources).

But I know it would make sense as President Trump attempts to address the true elephant in the room “one bite at a time”, so to speak, of the Ukrainian-Russian war.

The story Hillary referenced implies that President Trump and Hegseth are changing our posture towards Russia as a result of the fabled love affair which she has long argued exists between President Trump and Putin, as the Gizmodo story insinuates:

It appears that the U.S. no longer considers Russia a significant cyber threat, according to multiple new reports on a drastic policy reversal that has taken hold under the new Trump administration.

The cybersecurity outlet The Record originally reported that under Trump’s new Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, U.S. Cyber Command has been ordered to “stand down from all planning against Russia, including offensive digital actions.” The outlet cites three anonymous sources who are familiar with the matter. The order reportedly does not apply to the National Security Agency.

The policy shift represents a complete 180-degree turn from America’s posture over the past decade, which has consistently considered Russia one of the top cybersecurity threats. Credible reporting and government investigations have shown that Russia has hacked into U.S. systems countless times.

The Guardian has reported that a memo recently circulated to staff at America’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) established “new priorities” for the agency and, while mentioning the threat of digital incursions by China and other enemies, failed to mention Russia.

But in perfect Trump 2.0 fashion, Pete Hegseth didn’t spend any time at all on the left-leaning Gizmodo story.

He simply dug back through the archives, and pulled out a photo.

A photo that almost everyone will be familiar with… but one that Hillary has been particularly keen to forget about… since the photo in question sums up HER willingness to COWER before Putin and his cronies.

And then on top of that, lie about it later, as if she wasn’t smitten with her own arrogance — and thus blind to the geopolitical ambitions of Putin and Sergey Lavrov.

Here’s Hegseth’s simple response to Hillary’s attempt to sling mud:

I particularly love the fact that he didn’t say a word.

Not a single emoticon, or added explanation.

Just the raw, unvarnished truth staring her in the face.

The specific moment that Hegseth brought to the forefront with his photo response was when Clinton initiated her “Russian reset” plan during Obama’s Presidency.

It was ultimately an utter failure, leading to a lot of carnage — but also making the United States look foolish while Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, fawned all over Lavrov.

Here’s a Fox News report from back in 2009 to add some color to Hegseth’s rebuke:

Note to self: When trying to improve ties with a former Cold War-era foe, check a dictionary.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way Friday when she presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a gift bearing an incorrect translation — one that implied hostility, rather than peacemaking.

Clinton presented Lavrov with a gift-wrapped red button, which said “Reset” in English and “Peregruzka” in Russian. The problem was, “peregruzka” doesn’t mean reset. It means overcharged, or overloaded.

And Lavrov called her out on it.

“We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?” Clinton asked Lavrov.

“You got it wrong,” Lavrov said. “This says ‘peregruzka,’ which means overcharged.”

The two top diplomats, who met in Geneva, laughed and Clinton explained: “We won’t let you do that to us, I promise.”

Clinton said earlier she was presenting the gift because it “represents what President Obama and Vice President Biden and I have been saying and that is, ‘We want to reset our relationship.’ And so we will do it together.”

I share the sentiments of Kyle Eckhart — I’m loving the fact that this administration isn’t afraid to call out Hillary Clinton on her hypocrisy!

She might as well brace herself for getting called out regularly, unless she plans on shutting down her social media and avoiding the press.

There isn’t much she has to say that ISN’T hypocritical.

Hegseth’s return fire carries even more hilarious weight if you remember that Hillary’s own COWERING to the Russians didn’t just fail…

But she LIED about having been behind the plan to begin with!

Here’s Hillary DEFENDING her “Russian reset” plan back in 2014:

And follow that up with this — Hillary then acting as though she was “MOST SKEPTICAL” about the plan to “reset” relations with Russia!

Wait a minute, Hillary — WHICH IS IT!?

But with Hegseth’s clapback in mind, I also have to bring up another fact regarding Hillary and US-Russia relations.

She has CONSTANTLY tried to use a fake hoaxed narrative to attack President Trump!

And even now, she is still trying to tie President Trump to some “Russian collusion” fabrication!

Here’s another video for you… Hillary Clinton attempting to do exactly what she just tried to do AGAIN to Hegseth.

She has CONSTANTLY tried to link President Trump’s administrations to a FABRICATED or COMPROMISED relationship with Russia!

And all the while she KNEW it wasn’t true — because she was one of the key people who CREATED THAT FABRICATED STORY to begin with!

Here’s a report from Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade three years ago… FEATURING Pete Hegseth spilling all of Hillary’s beans!

It’s almost shocking that Hillary willingly put herself out there, making herself such an easy target on social media.

You would think she’d be smart enough to AVOID making herself an easy target for Pete Hegseth.

But, as reality has proven, you would be wrong if that’s your assumption.

Thankfully… she’s not as smart as she likes to imagine herself — or else she just might have pulled off the grand scheme against President Trump and carried it to its full intended end; President Trump in prison.

Or, worse.

But she’s not that smart, thankfully.

And now, not only can we laugh at her thinly-veiled idiocy, but we can imagine that justice might actually still catch up with Hillary Clinton.

We’re only a short few weeks into President Trump’s second term, and a lot can happen over the next few years.

Even JUSTICE rolling down hard over the Clintons???

Time will tell.

But at this point… if anyone can pull that off, it’s President Trump.

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