Before showing himself the door at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Anthony Fauci approved expenditures worth hundreds of millions of dollars on transgender animal surgeries, a sum that a whistleblower says represents just the “floor” of how much the projects could ultimately have cost taxpayers.
Fauci, who retired from the NIH in 2022 after 46 years on the job, appears to have approved “at least” $241 million spent on studying how transgender surgeries would impact animals such as primates, according to a new report by the U.S. House Oversight Committee. Its chair, Rep. Eli Crane (R-NY), unveiled that it was Fauci who gave the green light to conduct genital surgeries on lab animals.
“Insane, right?” he wrote on X in response the committee’s announcement.
To discover the spending, Rep. Crane relied on testimony by taxpayer watchdog White Coat Waste Project (WCW). At an Oversight hearing last month, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy at White Coat Waste Project Justin Goodman testified that it found NIH budget line items worth $241 million related to the research, an amount he claimed represents the bare minimum spent.
Breitbart reported on Goodman’s testimony:
In a lot of these cases — they involve mice, rats, monkeys, who are being surgically mutilated and subjected to hormone therapies to mimic female to male or male to female gender transitions, gender-affirming hormone therapies, and then looking at the biological, psychological and physiological effects of the gender transitions, looking at the effects of taking vaccines after you’ve transitioned these animals from male to female or female to male, looking at the size of their genitals changing after you’ve put them on estrogen or testosterone therapies to transition them.
Digging into the medical procedures performed, Goodman announced that $1.1 million was spent to “give female lab rats testosterone to mimic transgender male humans and then overdose them with this party drug to see if animals who are taking test — female animals taking testosterone,” he said, “were more likely to overdose on the sex party drug than animals who are not taking testosterone.”
Government disclosure websites like the one where NIH spending is listed are notoriously opaque, the whistleblower went on.
“You essentially need a degree in Information Technology to navigate the federal spending databases to find any of this stuff,” he said. “So what you found is we’re not being very transparent with what we’re spending these funds on?” Crane asked. Goodman responded, “Not at all, and it’s by design.”
At least 95 percent of these transgender experiments needed to receive Fauci’s approval, Goodman told Rep. Crane.
The discovery builds on a WCW investigation completed earlier this month, which found an initial $10 million spent on transgender animal studies.
The “National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and likely other agencies are paying university labs across the country to perform invasive surgeries and hormone therapies on lab animals to mimic gender transitions in painful and deadly experiments,” the organization announced at the time.