Marjorie Taylor Greene is never afraid to make the bold statements everyone else would shy away from… but the wording and citiations in this lend a lot more weight than your usual partisan bomb-throwing.

MTG has a history of making some wild and sometimes overheated allegations. But there’s something different — and more measured — about this one, even if the breadcrumbs it lays out leaves us right at the doorstep of a word as big as treason.

At least when Senator Menendez betrayed America, he did it as a way to make an easy buck. Ilhan seems willing to do it for free.

This comes at the worst possible time for Democrats, where they are desperately trying to frame themselves as the Defenders Of Democracy against the Big Bad Orange Man.

It’s a little hard to hold that moral high ground when you’ve got to defend one of your own whose own words — according to standards set out in both the Oath of Allegiance and the Farewell Speech of President George Washington — demonstrate misplaced loyalty to a foreign power, while allegedly serving as a Representative of the American people of her district in Minnesota.

If you want some more context on the issue MTG is raising, we covered it here:

July 1, 2024: YO DEMS: Is This Ilhan Omar Clip More Embarrassing Than Joe’s Debate? (Watch)

And a few months before that, we covered a speech she gave to a crowd in response to a regional dispute affecting Somali interests. Here’s a small sample of the conversation:

The back story behind this speech is an agreement between Ethiopia and a region of Somalia called Somaliland. (The aspect of her speech showing her casual agreement racial genocide in the country of her birth was explained here.)

Ethiopia is offered a sea port (which will be used to help fight Red Sea piracy) in exchange for (among other things) Ethiopia recognizing Somaliland’s independence.

Here, we’re going to look at the betrayal of her oath of office, elevating another country’s national interests above those of America.

We’re not even stopping to comment on what a half-assed Muslim she must be for saying (out loud!) that she is more devoted to Somalia than she is to her religion.

Here are a couple of spicy statement she made in this speech. Since the left loves pronouns so much, pay close attention to how she makes use of ‘we’ and ‘they’. It’s very telling about where she thinks her actual loyalty is owed:

— We are Somalians first, Muslims second…

— The US government will only do what the Somalians in the US TELL them to do. They will do what we want and nothing else they must follow our orders and that is how we will safeguard the interests of Somalia.

And here is where you can find the whole story:

UH-OH Ilhan Omar’s Speech Shows Her REAL Priorities In Congress… (Hint: NOT America)

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The post MTG Made Serious And Specific Allegations Against Ilhan Omar… Demands Censure And Removal appeared first on Clash Daily.

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