As we come to the close of 2024, I offer the following three reasons for why America is on borrowed time and we who were taught factual truth and propriety must be fully engaged in the time remaining.
The first reason America has limited time left is because the hatred for Israel and the purposeful intent of her destruction by America-based haters is now openly revealed. The haters of Jews and specifically those who harbor raw animus for Israel are no longer lurking in the shadows of cloistered enclaves, waiting for their opportunity to seize upon the global advancement of anti-Semitism.
Oct. 7, 2023, was more than just an unprovoked act of war against Israel by Hamas; it was an assault that gave rise to heretofore un-thought-of condemnation of Israel and calls for her destruction by American politicians and Erebusic anti-Semitic acolytes.
As I have written several times since that date, I’m now receiving almost weekly political stratagems and political donation requests for my support in the complete disarming of Israel. Members of the Democratic Party comprise a key component to this anti-Semitic undermining of Israel, but there are those like Bernie Sanders and Barack Obama who, while co-existing with Democrats, are hard Socialist Jew haters who are committed to seeing Israel destroyed.
Florida State Rep. Hillary Cassel, announced only days ago that she was leaving the Democratic Party, switching to the Republican Party. Her reason: In a few words, Democrat refusal to condemn Jewish hatred and the party’s willingness to embrace and tolerate progressive hatred toward Israel.
As I wrote before, the explosion of anti-Semitism in the workplace, streets and institutions of learning is not new phenomena. It is a phenomenon that has been waiting to happen since the earliest days of Woodrow Wilson and specifically Franklin D. Roosevelt. Who can forget Hillary Clinton’s oft mentioned outbursts of “F’ing Jews”?
It matters not one iota what people choose to think or believe; it doesn’t matter how supposed scholars try to explain or interpret it to the contrary. God’s Word is immutable. Biblical history as well as modern history repeatedly proves that cursing Israel is an act fraught with seriously bad outcomes. America is not above said punishment.
The youthful haters of today will be the politicians, teachers and those positioned in authority tomorrow.
The second reason the end of America is nigh is because no nation in history has survived the rampant and unbridled practice of sodomy as accepted cultural mores. The zeitgeist of today goes beyond what can remotely be called cultural mores.
The perversion of human form and human behavior is beyond any historical period heretofore. Parents argue that it is their right to permanently disfigure and permanently destroy a child with puberty blockers and coercive menticide, leading children to believe they are something other than the male or female they are born as.
Once again, it doesn’t matter one iota what anyone thinks or believes; homosexuality is a perverted mental disorder based upon sexual dysmorphia. No cultural can survive when moronic sexual perverts masquerading as teachers promote the horrid behavioral modification taking place in schools today, or where authorities pass laws preventing parents from seeking out counselors to treat their child.
The idea that men are no longer men, simply by whim and thus permitted to participate in women’s sports contrary to all legislation, i.e., Title IX, to the contrary, is as lucifarian as it can get. The public display of vulturous Satanism of men dressed like women posing as normal while reading stories to children in public libraries is the behavior of a society in free fall. The idea of same-sex marriage is a direct assault on the God-ordained human socio-fabric.
Condemnation of such behavior is not based upon esoteric ideals. Richard Levine, Biden’s HHS official who now freakishly presents himself as a woman is an uncontestable apagogical example of the emotional derailment of this form of sexual dementia.
The third reason for the ultimate collapse of America is based upon what has resulted in the first two reasons mentioned above. It is the turning away from God.
You will note that I am being inflexibly dogmatic in my pronouncements. That is because it doesn’t matter who or what disagrees. I have been called names and personally threatened by those who support the debaucherous behavioral practices mentioned herein. But, what I have noticed and pointed out many times, is that I am only called names and a liar until the demonic behavior is publicly practiced.
Sept. 25, 2007, when I wrote the syndicated op-ed titled: “Homosexuality Is Not A Civil Right,” I was excoriated. I was called a liar and fear-monger. Take a glance at the past 15 years or so and tell me exactly what was I lying about when I warned of the federal Employment Nondiscrimination Act, or ENDA, H.R. 2015. What part of anything I wrote and warned about are we not witnessing today?
My good friend and political colleague Alan Keyes said it well when he said: It’s about time we all faced up to the truth. “If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family.”
The profound truth contained in the observation of my friend and wise sage notwithstanding, I submit we have been passive too long to stop the onslaught now.
God, in His infinite mercy, may see fit to give us respite during the time allotted to President Trump; but like Nineveh and after Jonah, we read the words of Nahum.