We have SoulAce Day to honor blacks who identify as asexual, but who will step forward to bestow special reverence upon intersex blacks? LGBTQ Nation will:

Kenya [name changed], a Black intersex person who also identifies as nonbinary, is no stranger to being bullied.

It appears Kenya is female but has some male characteristics due to a birth defect. Plural pronouns are used due to the “nonbinary” status.

Kenya told LGBTQ Nation that growing up, their parents were openly disgusted with them. “One of the things they would make me do is voice-train, and whenever I would forget to speak in a higher pitch, they would say things like, ‘Must you talk like a man?’” As such, they still struggle with feelings of shame surrounding their intersex identity and the ways they don’t fit the female mold, even after years of therapy.

Surely that is enough suffering to qualify intersex blacks for a lofty position on the totem pole of intersectional oppression.

But wait, the parents must be black too — yet they have committed oppression. How is that possible?

Here’s how:

Gender and gender roles are deeply embedded in society, but they are even more embedded in Black culture — both African culture and African-American culture — due to colonialism.

Whites are to blame for any and all deficiencies of the otherwise perfect black race.

Intersex people were known as “hermaphrodites” until social engineers deleted that word from the Newspeak Dictionary. Although they comprise only 0.018% of the population, hermaphrodites are often exploited in an attempt to prove there are more than two genders. They even get their own “I for “intersex” in LGBTQIA2+.

According to a survey from the Center for American Progress, “88% of LGBTQ+ intersex respondents reported experiencing some form of discrimination from a doctor or healthcare provider.”

Kudos to the other 12% for not engaging in the weaponized paranoid hypersensitivity that helps favored identity groups maximize their preferential treatment.

We are asked to believe that the medical community has it in for hermaphrodites:

It seems the only time healthcare providers — doctors especially — care to provide ‘treatment’ to intersex folk is when they perform medically unnecessary, nonconsensual surgeries on intersex infants. The surgeries have lifelong consequences, including infertility, reduced sexual function, chronic pain, incontinence, and mental health issues.

Each of these negative effects is associated with what liberals call “gender-affirming care.” Yet they expect us to approve of sex change procedures for normal children whose parents wish to acquire a trophy transsexual.

On a tip from Mike B.

The post Intersectional Intersex Oppression appeared first on Moonbattery.

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