By Pastor Glynn Adams
February 16, 2025
The more I study the Bible, the more I see our apathy today in this nation, the more I see the deception that has been fostered upon us, the more I see this nation being influenced by evil, the less influence of the Body of Christ and the flat out refusal of the Body of Christ to get involved in this spiritual war between good and evil raging in our nation for its soul, the more I investigate the reality that has been going on in this nation for years, I believe we are in bigger trouble that we realize. This nation has been captured, not by an invading army from another nation but an army within and most don’t even realize it. The powers of darkness, using men and women with evil intent, coupled with a citizenry that has been enjoyed the blessings of God but has not been paying attention to the changes that have been taking place in this nation these last 100 years, we are further down the road to destruction than we realize. We still think we operating under our Constitution but that was compromised and set aside years ago. It is only brought out like the good silverware………only when needed to make an impression or to serve the purpose of the capturers in their criminal activity against the citizens in this nation.
While I am dismayed at what I see, I will never give up on my nation. I still have hope that we will respond to the judgments of God upon us and that some event will trigger the citizens of this nation to realize what has happened to us and we began to seriously fight back against this evil that is upon us. The fastest way back to sanity is a spiritual awakening in this nation. Without that, we simply don’t have the time and wisdom to bring about change for the better. We may win a battle or two with man’s might or power but this war against evil cannot be won without the help of God.
Here is but one example of what is going on in this nation that the average person is not even aware of. Do you realize that in this nation our federal, state, county and city governments and most of the departments and divisions that are part of them are “incorporated?” Even the Sheriff’s, the Police, the City and County and State Courts, even your State Supreme Court, the Public Library, the Public Works Department, the Department of Education and the County Clerk. This has huge implications in our nation. Corporations function under Articles of Incorporation. They are governed by business laws having to do with Maritime Law, also called Law of the Seas or Admiralty Law and the Uniform Commercial Code and not our Constitution. Constitutional Law is based on Common Law which is based on substance and the will of the people and the will of God. For example, under Common Law we are provided the alternative of not testifying against ourselves; that is not part of Maritime Law. Do you realize that our governments and courts now choose when it will function under the jurisdiction (authority) of the Constitution and when it will function under the jurisdiction of a corporation?
Whenever our government and our courts wear their corporate hats (which is whenever it is to their advantage to do so) they must comply with the policies of the Uniform Commercial Code, not with the Constitution of the United States or your State Constitution. The courts, too, are incorporated. No wonder we see so little Constitutional or Common Law in our courts! This is how administrative law judges can make the law up as a trial proceeds while the people think the jurisdiction under which the courts function is Constitutional or Common Law when it is in fact operating under cooperate law.
Are you now beginning to understand why your courts, law enforcement officials and our governments do not act in accordance with the limits placed on government by the United States Constitution or your State’s Constitution? Next week I will attempt to explain why the incorporation. Think Federal Reserve!!! God bless I remain His Servant and Watchman, [email protected] (I want to acknowledge Rpdmeu Hpward Browme, arthor of The Killing of Uncle Sam, for her research on this subject)
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