The following article, Hard Times for Madam Kamala and Democrats at the Brothel, was first published on The Black Sphere.

Forget the plantation, as Democrats turned the plantation into a brothel years ago. And who better to lead a brothel, than a madam.

At the DNC, Democrats introduced America to Madam Wannabe President Kamala Harris.

Forget the debauchery happening outside the fortress Democrats built to protect their new madame. Because inside the Democratic convention would have made Caligula blush. More on this in a bit.

For now, let’s focus on the Democrats’ call-girl turned madam for a few minutes. Because as I’ve explained, the “sugar high” for Harris by Democrats ended.

No longer are Americans willing to give Harris a pass. And the signs of Democrat desperation surround us. For example, Harris wants another debate. Why? Weren’t we told that she won the last one?

I explained that although many may think Trump lost the debate, he won. Handily. Trump’s comments soak slowly in the American psyche, and this proved to be true. After all the fact-checking and evaluations, Trump clearly won.

Harris no longer even mentions her “I was born to a middle-class family” bullshit, after being rightfully ridiculed. Further, people have tired of her not answering questions. And as for proof Trump won the debate, just look at the polls that came in the aftermath. Overwhelmingly, people said Trump won the debate, and the presidential polls began trending for Trump from that moment on.

Then came the VP debate.

All I can say is “Ouch! That had to hurt.” Walz looked like a clown compared to, well…anybody. But especially to Vance.

I mentioned that all the polls we are told about are bogus. But we can trust the inside polling. And two trends emerge: Trump’s team is killing it with internal polling, and Harris’ team is scared shitless.

The total spend so far on this presidential race I read was $16 billion. I have no idea of the breakdown, but my bet is $15 billion of it has been spent by Harris. After all, how much does it cost to bus 5,000 people to each rally?

You can’t turn on the TV without seeing ads promoting Harris. Ironically, the ads almost end up being pro-Trump ads as they pretend that Harris has been “tough on criminals”, and will “protect the border”. Hysterically, many in America see Harris commercials as spoofs.

Trotting out Obama.

Bad move for Team Harris to overestimate the appeal of Barack Obama. The man is a has-been if there ever was one. And right out of the gate, Obama proved as useless as a screen door on a submarine.

Why did the man lecture Black men? My guess is Obama believes Black men to be as big of sissies as he is. But his chastising of Black men actually backfired. Because if any group of men have had to fight for centuries, it’s Black men. And we don’t like being lectured, especially by a pussy like Obama.

Not that Trump needed the help, but Obama hurt Harris’ campaign mightily, and I suspect he will be put back on the shelf soon. Because he will not overcome his recent comments.

Democrats long for The Good Old Days

If only Democrats could recapture that moment Biden was officially kicked off the ticket. Ahhh, to recapture that moment. In a word, “Magic!”

Democrats took a big sigh of relief when they dumped Captain Demento. They had cleared the path for Harris unceremoniously, not realizing the far-reaching ramification.

For example, many Democrat party faithful knew what happened. Further, the 99 percent who didn’t support Harris’ election bid in 2020 weren’t too happy about the Democrat scheming her into the position as their candidate. You know, “to save the democracy”.

But Harris was appointed and the party told its constituents to grin and bear it, as the party earned the right to cheat Harris in, since they have cheated Trump out.

Game on, and the convention would renew everyone’s spirit.

To begin the convention festivities, Madam Harris made a “surprise” appearance on Day One. While on stage she made the final thrust into the backside of her former boss and running mate., Joe Biden. Biden pretended to enjoy the public sodomy, for appearances sake. However, clearly he know he was the ingenue who stayed too late at the Diddy party.

Coup complete, Madam Harris next subjugated the spouse of the vanquished.

The Democratic Party made sure to embarrass Dr. Jill, as they made her watch the debauchery happening to Old Joe. The woman who had run the country for a couple of years couldn’t unsee what happened to Joe, then she too was forced to admit defeat in front of all the Democratic Party establishment elite.

Watch as Jill joins the Harris concubine:

Prior to Jill’s mea culpa, another lactating-person did her/they duty, and kissed the ring of King Kamigula.

Hillary Clinton too admitted defeat. Clinton she spoke on behalf of a woman whom Bill Clinton might have said, “She would have been bringing us coffee a few years ago.”

In this video we get Hillary’s reason to vote for Harris:

Rumors are that Hillary Clinton seethes at the idea of a buffoon like Harris inheriting the crown she was poised to wear.

To paraphrase Scooby Doo, “If it weren’t for that meddling Trump!”

How must these powerful white racist Democrats must feel?

To cede the party to a complete imbecile (of color), shows that the cabal controls politics. Clearly, the cabal doesn’t have to be concerned with whatever Leftist stooge it places in power. Because choosing Kamala Harris seems like a sick joke. Then again, we are speaking of the most sick group of people on the planet.

What have we learned post-coup about Harris-Walz?

Well, her husband likes to f*ck nannies and beat his girlfriends. This man will love being part of Kamala’s brothel. But that’s just for starters. We know that Kamala “was raised in a middle-class family”, and of course that knowledge will pay all our bills.

Oh, Harris’ brother-in-law is a criminal, and her running mate is weird.

Neither Harris nor Walz is qualified to run a student council much less an administration, but that doesn’t stop the cabal from presenting them as the solution to all America’s problems.

Sadly for Harris, even some Democrats realize that the madam has no clothes.



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