California Governor Gavin Newsom has kicked off his new podcast!

And who did he invite?

Conservative Charlie Kirk.

In a move that raised eyebrows, Newsom echoed Kirk’s sentiments on transgender women in sports, calling their participation “deeply unfair.”

Hmm, that’s interesting.

Critics argue this stance throws the LGBTQ+ community under the bus.

Others see it as a political move ahead of 2028. Someone wants to be president.

New York Post reports:

Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom, once the wokest of the woke, has now . . . woken up.

Newsom has started a new podcast in a blatant effort to grab a bigger megaphone ahead of his 2028 run at the White House.

One of his debut guests: right-wing influencer Charlie Kirk, a Trumpist par excellence.

To whom Newsom admitted that “it’s deeply unfair” for biological men to compete with women in sports and that “We [i.e. Democrats] are losing . . . We’re toast.”

This comes on the heels of the governor’s stark turnaround on the question of his state working with ICE to deport criminal illegal migrants, including his vow to veto a bill hampering prison coordination with the agency.

For anyone who’s followed Newsom’s career, this is a sea-change: He has long been among the loudest and most active fighters for woke policies on immigration, gender, crime and everything else.

But now he’s finally heard the message from voters on these issues, and he’s seems to be listening.

Yes, he’s only doing it because he figures it will help him win in ’28, and it took a historically awful wildfire torching his political capital to prompt a change.

So are you ready to embrace Newsom?

Do you think he would make a fantastic president?

Maybe even better than President Trump?


Maybe this is just to get people to forget about the fire catastrophe in his state and how he stood by as L.A. went up in flames.

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