As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I watch these chronic bitchers in the nattering nabobs of negativism, not trying to build momentum for President Donald Trump, but still being locked into the globalist mantras of the US Courts and Laws weaponized against Americans, like John the hero McCain’s gang who stopped reforms, which was all a bogus cover to thwart Americans………and not comprehending that things have changed.
When this group tried to blow Donald Trump’s head off in Butler PA, for a John Kennedy horror show to seize power in America by default again, Donald Trump, whether he says he is Christian or not, whether he wears a Jew cap or not, became convinced beyond doubt that he was saved to save America by God.
Donald Trump in his belief is an Instrument of God for America.
Now you might not agree with some of his policies or all of his policies as people disagreed with Abraham Lincoln, but CHANGE is here and we are going to all have a Trump America in the vision Donald Trump sees.
His pile of Executive Orders are evidence of the change. I have explained exclusively in matter anti matter, that Donald Trump before taking office, stopped a nuclear war with Russia, mainstreamed Pro Life and legitimized the 2nd Ammendment. So when I see headlines below stuck on stupid propaganda of the past globalist operations, I say instead, watch what the Board is involved in, in all of this, because they worked a deal with 47 after Butler, they told image Obama to go stuff it, Obama had to then do the Nappy Nig by laughing with 47 at Jimmy Carter’s funeral to save the Obama brand from prosecution.
Watch these pardons which Biden issued which are not legal. Watch how this moves along in the courts and do not forget that judges have been throwing out cases against Donald Trump and even the liberal Justices on the Supreme Court have become American in voting with the majority for Americans.
You can the Obama stated “powers that be” are active in this for their agenda. They require Donald Trump to have success and not be stopped, so that their agenda will be performed for the need for money and weapons and a rise in European power.
So just remember that Biden’s pardons, have been received by these criminals, and that receiving a pardon means they are guilty which is a plea that is entered into court for sentencing Anthony Fauci and others. Just remember that these idiot lawyers who think the game has not changed and they can priss around in courts, thinking they can charge Donald Trump with bogus rape or stop anchor babies, they are all leaving tracks. Those idiot invaders attended planning meetings and they all have cell phones. They are not tracked whether on the border or in Chicago. Everything you think is a minus, is really a plus which assists the mission Donald Trump is on.
I’m sure I will not agree with all 47 does, but I’m telling you that the world has changed under Donald Trump and things are not as before in what you have been trained to accept failure. We are not in a world of debates and court filings, but we are in an Ike Clanton world, if you remember the saloon scene were the bartender give him lip and Clanton hits the bartender and says, “See that is how it is, give a guy a rap on the beak and he respects you”. There is a long and powerful arm out there working this. Lincoln ignored the courts and Congress to get things done. That long arm is one which intimidates all of these trolls who have all these jobs by appointment and selection, and they will be told for their health it would be better if these cases are thrown out or found in 47’s favor.
So when you see things are changing for success, be thankful to God for it, as this is just beginning. It will pick up momentum and when it comes to the point that you in timidity think it is enough, then it must be doubled down on and driven forward with even more zeal, and you salute it, as it is a necessity in all Revolutions to get rid of that which was going to erase and replace you.
Fear is what this will be about. Instilling fear, so resistance bends the knee. Again, you remember that Donald Trump almost got his head blown off in Butler. There are many retribution and reckonings coming over that and frankly if I had been a pimp who was put up to accuse Donald Trump of rape, or had been a liberal preacher bitching at Donald Trump in church, or think I can file lawsuits or challenge this Presidency in having been part of the coup against Mr. Trump before and now, I would sell all I have, and get the hell out of America, disappear overseas and hope that there are enough lemmings left in America to distract 47 from this Righteous Reckoning and they would forget about me as you can read of Revolutions from America to France and you will find out that all of the American Tories had their asses booted out to Canada while in France, they cut the heads off of hundreds of thousands before the issue was settled.
Just remember that with momentum your success is going to become common place and you had better not be like these sticks in the mud trolling the same propaganda of things have not changed. Things have already changed and there is not going to be any going back, thank God.
Each challenge will only make this Revolution stronger.
Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge Over Troubled Water (Audio) – YouTube
Apr 16, 2013 … Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel Listen to Simon & Garfunkel: Subscribe to the …
Nuff Said..