For a boy to ruin sports for girls by competing as female requires a dysfunctional state of mind. What kind of family environment produces it? The story of confessed distributor of child pornography Marc Jacques offers a clue.

Kiddy porn appears not to be his only crime against the innocence of children:

Jacques, the father of Maelle Jacques, cited his son’s transgender identity and his own advocacy for transgender rights in his letter to the court requesting a non-custodial sentence. …

Maelle Jacques, 16, is a trans-identified boy who has become a controversial athlete at Kearsarge Regional High School for advocating for the elimination of female-only sports…

[I]n his letter to the court, Maelle … argued that his father should not be sent to prison because it would compromise his own ability to advocate for trans rights.

Jacques also has custody of another son, who “highlighted his father’s support for LGBTQ issues” as a reason not to sentence him to prison. Encouraging children to embrace LGBTism allegedly makes him a better caregiver than their mother.

Another character reference was provided by Dr. Elizabeth Counselman-Carpenter, a professor of social work at Adelphi University, who, like Maelle and Remi, pointed out that Jacques was a “committed member of his community and LGBTQIA+ activist” in her argument against a custodial sentence.

Fortunately, sanity prevailed. Kids will be safe from Jacques while he serves a 60-month sentence in federal prison.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

The post Father of Trans Athlete Sentenced for Child Porn appeared first on Moonbattery.

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