As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really hate people who “work” 9 to 5. They are a breed who think everyone else in the world takes a shower, sits in AC all day, comes home and take another shower, then sit their fat ass in a chair and complain how hard of day they had.
As the blog has noted, we had a hell winter. Around April in our flooding, I started getting phone calls from the water guy, wanting to check things. Our cellar was a pile of wood and you could not even get to the water system. I also had piles of shit I had to move to get the cellar door open each time.
So the water guy was on my “to do” list.
In the meantime, I had survival things to do, that included rebuilding fences wiped out by HAARP floods. I still have to get cattle moved as in this drought there was not any feed.
There were surprises like a flat tire, and the need to replace them, which is what I was doing on my “light day” of fixing fence, watering garden, movings things, writing the blog, and all the normal stuff each day. So when we go home, I have this RED NOTICE on my door.
First, utilities can not cut off necessities as they are necessities, as it is a long process. Second, I had water guy on the to do list in the next week after we got things done that must be done. Third you do not threaten me.
He had appeared one day a week ago, a fat little greasy 9 to 5er. It was hot as a bitch, I was not going to move all that stuff around to deal with him, and I figured I would get to him in a week.
So I phoned fat boy up at 4;!5 and asked him when he could do it. He said he was 10 mintues away and could do it then. I told him fine and hung up. I was furious and wanted to bury this prick.
So he arrvives. Tries to make small talk and I give one word answers of “Yeah”.
The fun part was, as you have seen the cellar entrance it is a drop off, and he said that. Fat boy, did not use the handle I have screwed in to get down the stairs. No, fat boy gets on this hands and knees and crawls onto the steps. He then is worried if there are lights down there.
He apparently was terrified of cellars in horror movies.
Whole process took about 4 minutes. There was nothing pressing at all.
In my fury, I remained calm, and wondered how God was going to get this fat boy. I presume he was vax phat so is on the entering the morgue soon.
If this asshole had just said, “We need to change out the water meter, pleased schedule a time that is convenient.” All would have been well in the Brier. You do not threaten a member of a cooperative with cutting off service, when they have never missed a payment or ever been a problem.
As I said, these 9 to 5ers, got the world by the ass, they think they can boss people around, and there are not consequences. I like most self employed, do not have time to waste on shit like this. I’m two months behind on things I need to get done, and am pressed for time all the time. I don’t get to quit at a time and there are not consequences. I’m not someone who does not have to answer the calls like people who are on call 24 hours a day by jackass corporate shirts delegating jobs that imports have screwed up.
By God there will be consequences for fat boy and I will be most pleased.
Nuff Said