Last Updated on October 23, 2024

Raiklin’s and Noel Fritsch have a plan to secure the will of the people in North Carolina in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene.

And the Crony-Corporatist Owned, Communist-Driven Mockingbird Media is going apoplectic over Raiklin’s and Fritsch’s plan.

At issue is a constitutional provision in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution that holds that the legislatures of the fifty states in the union are given the power to directly appoint their electors in the nationwide federal election to elect the President of the United States.

Raiklin’s and Fritsch’s constitutional plan would empower states with voting machines and with unruly boards of elections to reject fraudulent slates of electors foisted onto them by uni-Party elites in Democrat-run capitol cities.

READ: U.S. Constitution Allows North Carolina Legislature to Award Electors to Donald Trump in 2024

The United States Constitution gives every state legislature the power to award its electors in each of the fifty federal election contests for President of the United States.

The U.S. Constitution vests in the State legislatures – and only the legislatures – the power and the duty to select the members of the Electoral College, according to Article II, Section 1, clause 2.

The results?

The totalitarian, corporate-owned media is losing their collective minds over the potential for citizens in red states to reassert their agency and put an end to the election shenanigans perpetrated by authoritarian states rife with unelected, ballot-harvesting, closed-source code copying, algorithmically challenged, ambiguously hetero bureaucrats who run elections in the vast majority of large swing states.


While the commie press does manage to get a few facts correct, they show their hand by committing so much ink to an attempt to scuttle a plan that has firm roots in the Constitution.

While it is not news that the Totalitarian Scribes at Raw Story hate the Constitution, it is a surprise that they do manage to get one or two facts correct.

The primary issue, of course, is the ability for North Carolina to carry out a free, fair election unimpeded by a cataclysmic act of God like The Old North State saw with Hurricane Helene.

Raw Story’s own Jordan Greenberry plainly makes the case that no such possibility exists:

Residents of the 13 counties most affected by Helene cast 74,837 votes during the first four days of early voting, down 44 percent from the total for the same time period during early voting in the 2020 election.

Despite high turnout on Day one of voting in North Carolina on Thursday of last week, early voting totals are down in 2024. The report continues:

residents in the remaining 87 counties cast a total of 956,375 votes in the first four days of early voting, down from 1.4 million over the same period in 2020.

Another fact Raw Sewage gets right highlights the Communist Left’s primary fear — the fear that “If Republican-controlled legislatures override the popular vote and directly appoint electors” to Donald Trump.

It is a true statement that Republican Legislatures, if put to a vote to apportion their electors, would be forced to vote for elector slates that support Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.

If that happens in 2024, Raw Story notes, “it will be the first time that has happened in this country since 1876.” That is true.

For 100 years, legislatures in many states directly appointed their electors in the federal election for president.

The reporter further revealed his deepest fears when he lamented the fact that the North Carolina’s legislature, being majority Republican, might actually listen to Raiklin’s and Fritsch’s plan, and directly appoint the Tar Heel State’s electors to Donald Trump.

Raiklin said in Selma that Trump supporters should spend the next “several weeks” trying to “motivate” House Speaker Tim Moore and Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who serves as president of the Senate, to convene a special session “to allocate its electors.” Considering the supermajority Republicans hold in both chambers of the North Carolina legislature, Raiklin predicted that the electors would be awarded to Trump.

Predictably, however, the RAW STORY reporter named Jordan Greenfield or something is having a seizure over this constitutional idea that Republican legislatures might consider Raiklin’s and Fritsch’s plan, calling it “anti-Democratic”.

Raw Story reports:

Ivan Raiklin, a retired Army lieutenant colonel known for pushing a similar plan four years to pressure then-Vice President Mike Pence to throw the 2020 election, made the pitch during an appearance at the final stop of the ReAwaken America Tour, a roadshow that mixes evangelical Christianity, conspiracy theories and slavish devotion to Trump, on Oct. 18.
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security director and the event’s star attraction, introduced Raiklin as an “amazing guy” and a “friend” who “has a plan,” during the far-right gathering in Selma, a Republican-leaning suburb outside of Raleigh that is part of an area where Democrats made slight gains in the last presidential election.

The Raw Story reporter Greenfeld then lies, calling the plan to reject fraudulent electors a “novel legal framework.”

There’s just one problem for a lying Democrat reporter like Greenstein: The legal framework is not “novel.”

It is as old as the republic itself, having been inked into the U.S. Constitution by the founders.

Raw Story then goes hysterical over the push to whip votes against the fraudulent electors proffered to the joint session of Congress on January 6th, 2021.

“The idea that state legislatures hold the authority to override the popular vote and directly appoint electoral votes was a component of the larger effort to overturn the last election.”

The Raw Story reporter, apparently still triggered by flashbacks to the Pence Card memorandum Fritsch exclusively published back during December of 2020, remains unable to let go of his panic attacks, and so launches into a tirade about Green Beret and Constitutional attorney Ivan Raiklin:

Ivan Raiklin, a retired Army lieutenant colonel known for pushing a similar plan four years to pressure then-Vice President Mike Pence to throw the 2020 election, made the pitch during an appearance at the final stop of the ReAwaken America Tour, a roadshow that mixes evangelical Christianity, conspiracy theories and slavish devotion to Trump, on Oct. 18.

CNN’s analysts are also having fits over the plan, or Raw Story’s Greenberg tells us.

“Unlike the Democrats’ theft claimed by Republicans, the Republicans’ theft would be in open defiance of the popular vote and thus the will of the American people,” Luttig wrote for CNN.

Green even goes so far as to dishonestly and falsely accuse Raiklin of inciting violence, while at the same time noting that Raiklin’s position has always been one of peace: “Everyone knows that my rhetoric and intent is always tethered to legal, moral and ethical activities,” Green tells us Raiklin posted on X.

NOTE: The only explanation for such a schizophrenic approach to reporting is that Green fears being personally sued for falsely and in a defamatory manner alleging that Raiklin is guilty of incitement to violence, and so he is forced to cover his rear by also noting that Ivan disputes the claim.


Chris Cooper, a political scientist at Western North Carolina University is on record saying that,

“even small shifts in [voter] turnout” can make the difference between which candidate carries the state.  After four days of early voting, it appears that turnout in the affected counties is lagging a bit.” He continues: it is certainly possible that the election may, at least partially, hinge on whether voters in western North Carolina return to normal levels of engagement before Election Day.” [emphasis added].

Greenblatt further reported on Michael Whatley’s confidence in the RNC’s approach to election integrity:

Michael Whatley, Trump’s hand-picked co-chair of the Republican National Committee, echoed his boss’ sentiment.
“Yeah, we’re very early in the process,” Whatley said. “And we’re tracking across all 50 states right now to make sure that the systems we want to have in place are in place. And we’re very happy with the initial results.”
But Trump suggested his support for Whatley could be retracted if he winds up losing the election in North Carolina.
“And now I can blame him if something happens,” Trump said. “And I’ll say, ‘Well, I made a mistake.’ I’ll send him back. But I don’t think that’s going to happen, based on what we’re hearing from early returns.

Greenbaum further reports that “Raiklin and Fritsch have been seeding the idea of Republican legislatures directly awarding electoral votes to Trump, not just in North Carolina but in other states.”

Indeed they have.

Raiklin spoke at the Rod of Iron Freedom Festival, hosted by a religious group led by Sean Moon that worships the AR-15, in Greeley, Pa. on Oct. 12.
Raiklin urged his audience to go to the state capitol in Harrisburg after the election and “confront” state lawmakers with supposed “evidence of the illegitimate steal” while demanding that “those electors are not transmitted to Congress” and using their “powers to allocate those electors by voting in a joint session.”
Fritsch made the same proposal on McCloskey’s radio show.
“This is how election went for like a hundred years,” Fritsch told McCloskey. “The state capitol would just directly apportion the electors. We can go back to that. We just have to demand that our state legislatures — that are red, by the way, in North Carolina, in Georgia, in Arizona — do that.”

You can watch Fritsch on Mark McCloskey’s show here:

A Reporter calling himself Tim “Dickinson” posted a similarly hysterical headline over at Rolling Stone.

Little Dickinson falsely and in a defamatory nature alleged that Raiklin, who is actually known as “Trump’s Secretary of Retribution,” unveiled a so-called “plot” intended “to Nab North Carolina’s Electoral Votes.”

Rolling Stone’s Little Timmy, evidently very triggered, reports:

An influential attorney in Donald Trump’s campaign to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election has outlined a proposal for Trump to steal the 2024 electoral college votes in the state of North Carolina — the results in November be damned.

Ivan Raiklin is a former Green Beret and an attorney; he has raised alarms in Congress by positioning himself as a future “secretary of retribution” in a new Trump administration, reportedly compiling an enemies list of more than 300 members of the supposed “Deep State.”

Rolling Stone continues:

The “Deep State Marauder” has juice with people close to Trump. He’s a close associate of Trump-pardoned felon Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. And Raiklin’s legal ideas influenced Trump efforts to subvert the 2020 election.

The reporter dishonestly continues, claiming that Raiklin aims to overturn “any” result that’s “unfavorable” to Trump:

Now, Raiklin has a plan to overturn any election result in North Carolina that’s unfavorable to the former president. Raiklin unveiled his plot at the final stop of the far-right, Christian nationalist ReAwaken America Tour in Selma, North Carolina, this past weekend. He was introduced by Flynn, who characterized Raiklin as Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s “most feared Person of Interest.” Raiklin took ahold of the event’s red-white-and-blue mic, and spoke from the same stage where Eric Trump, the president’s son, would appear hours later.

Rolling Stone does the plan a favor, noting that

The “safe harbor” date for all Electoral College disputes to be settled is Dec. 8, and federal law mandates that the results must be delivered to Congress by Dec. 25.

THE NEW REPUBLIC also went apoplectic over Raiklin’s and Fritsch’s plans.

A reporter named HAFIZ RASHID who writes for a commie rag ironically named “The New Republic” took it upon himself to have a temper tantrum over the idea that so-called “Christian Nationalists” might reassert agency in the political space by trying to, in their words, “steal Electoral College Votes if Kamala Harris wins.”

The report is inherently dishonest, since Direct Appointment of Electors would require the electors to be appointed BEFORE the election is ratified.

Hafiz goes on to lie further, likening the plan to what he calls the “fake-elector schemes” that attempted to legally and lawfully reject the fraudulent slates of electors proffered to the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021.

[H/T National File]

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