The following article, Democrats will one day admit that J6 was a Leftist setup, was first published on The Black Sphere.

Never have Democrats been so invested in a lie than with January 6, 2021. And only a fool, a co-conspirator, or a Never Trumper would believe otherwise.

To call J6 a con disrespects the word; because you don’t see a con coming. The evidence contrary the J6 narrative is as obvious as that of the cheating in the Presidential Election of 2020.

Democrat claim that elections can’t be rigged. Yet, videos all over the internet prove otherwise routinely. Worse, look at how any investigation into the matter gets handled. Democrats claim to want transparency, as they block all efforts to obtain it.

In the case of J6, Democrats used every tactic to prevent showing videotape evidence. That video took years to get it. And the evidence was damning to say the least. In fact, the videotapes validated without a doubt that no insurrection occurred even by the lowest standards.

Now that their ruse was discovered, Democrats vowed transparency as they destroyed all their communications surrounding J6. These are facts, not conjecture. Yet, this article will be restricted for payment by Google and other Leftist organizations in order to prevent undeniable truth from coming out.

A massive coverup, with multiple players. And we have enough evidence to put them all in prison, yet none have gone. Hilariously, Leftists continue to lie about J6 and using all their devious methods to perpetuate their lies.

Look at what they did to Ronna McDaniel.

Leftists claim that their zeal to oust McDaniel as a contributor to MSNBC had to do with her “election denying”, or more to the point her not condemning the actions of the J6 insurrectionists. Hysterically, Joy Reid of MSNBC said that she would have accepted McDaniel as a Republican if she had accepted the “insurrection” narrative.

J6 has become the litmus test of which side you’re on. Call it a farce, which is the truth, and you are a Trumper. Call it truth, and you are a Leftist liar.

Those really are the choices, though the fact-checking Gestapo will disagree for obvious reasons. Because, if Democrats lose the J6 battle and are forced to admit they made it up, then their house of cards tumbles. Fundamentally, everything they represent is built on that lie.

Consider what theft of an election and the coverup did the nation in 2020.

  • First, an imbecile was placed in the highest office in the world. The American people accepting that insult represents the height of elitism. Accomplish this, and one can achievable anything.
  • Second, demonize the man who “caused the insurrection”. Make his fight to get to the truth the crime. Then prosecute him in courts across the country, particularly battleground states. Then prosecute him with the lie, in the court of public opinion.
  • Third, marginalize his supporters, particularly with name-calling. Refer to them as “election deniers” and “MAGAts?
  • Fourth, position any pushback on the lie as an “attack on the democracy”. Thus, the lie becomes patriotic, and to believe otherwise makes you anti-American, ergo pro-Trump.

Leftist Playbook 101

A lie must be reinforced over and over. The subject of the lie must be killed metaphorically in the public eye. Thus, if possible expand the lie.

In Trump’s 91 indictments, overwhelmingly most are tied to J6. But as part of the “Get Trump!” strategy, they expanded his cases with those of his real-estate holdings, i.e. his business life, and a ridiculous sexual assault case, i.e. his personal life.

The Left paint Trump as characterless, as president, businessman, and human being. He is to be hated. Why? Because their candidate Joe Biden is exactly what they present of Trump.

Democrats know they can’t get people to vote for Biden, thus they must pretend that people vote against Trump. Recall in 2020, they claimed that Joe Biden got the anti-Trump vote to set voting records that may never be achieved again. Leftists want America to believe that a corrupt, pathological liar and his side-piece VP garnered 81 million votes, because Trump was unpopular;

Ironically, Trump received 11 million more votes than in his previous election and garnered the most votes of any sitting president in history, yet lost?

Who wouldn’t be incredulous?

But in Trump’s inquiry of how this loss is mathematically or common sensibly possible, they persecute him. Laughably, one of Trump’s tormentors, namely Jack Smith claims to know his state of mind. Smith declared in his complaint, [pp] “Trump knows that the election wasn’t stolen”.

So what happens when it is proven that the election was stolen?

How many things have Democrats done based on the lie of a fair election? Clearly the cases against Trump vanish. They won’t have election deniers and MAGAts to kick around anymore.

Next, they would need to admit to America that Joe Biden was cheated into office, and that our nation was  never that stupid to vote a corrupt demented clown into office.

As for Biden’s chances in 2024, I ask, “Would you re-elect the man who was cheated in?”  How would “independents” take that news? What are the consequences if they were to actually tell the truth? Grave.

The credibility of their party is at stake. The credibility of the FBI, the media, Hollywood, academia, and much more are all at stake.

J6 represents the Jussie Smollett of election politics. The narrative by Democrats and other Leftists makes no sense at any level. Still, Democrats run with the lie, stick with it, no matter what.

Just like Smollett, though guilty he still wants to clear his name. Forget the overwhelming evidence that Smollett set the whole thing up, he acts like we are the crazy ones for believing otherwise. Democrats approach J6 and the stolen 2020 election the same way.

Because I dare tell my opinion of the truth, which IS the truth, this post cannot be monetized on Google. Democrats punish us monetarily for daring to speak the truth. What kind of world will this create, long-term?

I lost my job at Fox News for standing up to bullies.

I refuse to back down, as I know there is a loving, living God who watches over me. He demands truth, even when it can hurt the person saying it. Civilization cannot exist on lies.

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