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If I Vote For Joe Biden, Will the Rioting Stop?

Jul 30, 2020

For the past few months, America has been shocked by the riots that seem to never stop concerning Black Lives Matter as well as a host of other concerns. Many of these riots are concerned about erasing the history via tearing down statutes we once thought foundational to our Republic. Add to this chaos, the ever-present, sometimes insane, wokeness being coerced in our culture via “cancel culture” tactics.

By political design or not, the electorate in America is experiencing the pain of unrest. There has been an idea floating around in the political sphere that if I vote for Joe Biden, all these riots and pain will stop. After all, the rioters are mostly rioting because of President Trump – correct?

If you think removing Trump and putting Biden into the White House will change this dynamic – you would be terribly wrong. We present to you two examples of why you would be wrong. Neither of these two examples are complaining about Trump. In fact, they are complaining about Democrats, with very serious threats to remedy their dissatisfaction. If you vote for Joe Biden, will the rioting stop?

Rapper Ice Cube took a swipe at the Democratic party, complaining that the DNC has financially abandoned the black community and that even if Trump is voted out of office – “then what?” “Where’s our fcking bailout?” asked the rapper. “They just pulled three trillion dollars out they a* and gave it to they friends.”

A “Black Contract” for America? Since when does any group get a special contract? Aside from wanting to suck on the tit of government – why not many want to – Ice Cube understands clearly that the Democrats most likely will not deliver anything towards their agenda.

Black Lives Matter laid out a threat to Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Speaking to local media, Taylor Norwood accused the mayor of “not protecting the black women in this city.” Furthermore, she asserted, problems have been created “in black brown communities to protect white people.” “We really see you for who you are,” she insisted. “You’re not fooling anybody.” “You can listen to us or you can get ran over.” Is this not a threat of more riots and violence?

These are just two examples and may be emblematic of what the future holds if Joe Biden gets elected and does not deliver on their Progressive agenda. The question we must ask, can Biden deliver on their agenda? In order to do this, Biden would need to double the federal budget, and by inference also double the taxes to pay for it – see here – or expand the deficit and experience the horrors of currency debasement – see here. If you add in some reparations agenda, it will just make the situation worse – see here.

Many think that if they can just get the “Orange Man” out of the White House, somehow things will blossom into a utopia, and the riots will stop. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, prior to Coronavirus, President Trump’s policies boosted significantly the African American’s lot in life – Black and Hispanic unemployment are at record lows.

Once African American’s figure out that Biden will not and can not deliver on their Progressive agenda, the riots will only intensify – they will be even angrier. Or perhaps they will not even let up on the rioting after a potential Biden win, under the idea to keep the pressure on Democrats until they deliver – which will never happen. Furthermore, since Biden has supported the Black Lives Matter agenda, he has no mandate to stop them. This could become a nightmare situation across America.

With a Trump win, he will have the mandate to stop the riots and return America, along with African Americans, to a safe, even better prosperity. Your VOTE this November will determine which path America takes. VOTE wisely.

RWR original article syndication source.