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CNN’s Brian Stelter Has Tantrum Over Trump Skipping White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Says He is ‘Waging War’ on Reporters

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Brian Stelter had a tantrum on Saturday over President Donald Trump “snubbing” the White House Correspondents' Dinner and referring to it as a “Fake News Prom.”

Though Stelter frequently attacks WikiLeaks, a publication that has never had to issue an apology or retraction unlike CNN, his tantrum this weekend was all about pretending that he cares about press freedom.

Stelter referred to Trump's refusal to attend the event for the second year in a row as a waging “war on the reporters who cover him.”

“It would be one thing if he skipped the dinner to oversee crisis response or host a community service event. But instead he is counter-programming the dinner by holding a campaign rally in Washington Township, Michigan. If it's anything like last year's rally during the dinner, more media attacks are sure to come,” Stelter wrote.

While Stelter admitted that the whole WHCA affair is excessive, he pointed to the importance of press in a Democratic society.

“No doubt, the weekend full of media-related festivities can seem excessive. But there's a long tradition of the executive branch recognizing — even begrudgingly — the role of the press in a democratic society,” Stelter wrote.

Ironically, CNN's role appears to be less about the true intention of the First Amendment — holding politicians to account — and more about advocating for the Democratic Party's interests, as evidenced by the current scandal involving James Clapper and Jake Tapper.

“Amid all the champagne and selfies, there's usually some roasting by a comedian, some insidery jokes, but also several award presentations and some serious talk about the importance of accountability journalism in a democracy,” Stelter wrote, completely lacking self awareness.

On Friday, President Trump posted about the dinner on Facebook.

In a Facebook post about the dinner, Trump wrote, “tomorrow night I'm skipping the Fake News Prom (White House Correspondents' Dinner) to be with American patriots who truly want to MAGA! Tune in at 7pm to watch the rally LIVE on Facebook!”

The post also included a video, in which Trump media advisor Mark Serrano said that “the truth is the White House Correspondents Dinner merely exposes the cozy, co-dependent relationship that exists year-round between the political class in Washington, their mouthpieces in the mainstream media, and the Hollywood elites who shape our culture with their out-of-touch liberal ideology,” Serrano continued. “As is customary, the President of the United States was invited to this glamorous affair and President Trump is in Washington that evening — Washington, Michigan, that is!”

Serrano continued on to say that while the “fake news media is celebrating themselves with champagne toasts” President Trump will be leading a rally at the exact same time “with hardworking patriotic Americans.”

The event will be attended by Sarah Sanders, and hosted by Michelle Wolf, from Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

The post CNN's Brian Stelter Has Tantrum Over Trump Skipping White House Correspondents' Dinner, Says He is ‘Waging War' on Reporters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post <a href=http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/cnns-brian-stelter-has-tantrum-over-trump-skipping-white-house-correspondents-dinner-says-he-is-waging-war-on-reporters/ target=_blank >CNN’s Brian Stelter Has Tantrum Over Trump Skipping White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Says He is ‘Waging War’ on Reporters</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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