As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last week I came across the photo of a cousin of the President of Assyria hunt from a crane, for being a cousin of the person that the Turks and Jews wanted ousted out of Syria to steal their land and oil.

The above is a photo of children murdered in Syria, but those fine Tel Aviv sons of Bulan and those fine Ankarra sons of Edom, cleansing Syria of Christians. The fact is that both President Assad and Colonel Khadaffi of Libya were very adept at protections of their people. If you keep the Tel Aviv Tab, Christians have been murdered in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and now Syria. No comment ever though from the Ziongelicals of Speaker Mike Johnson over this Christocide.

As I do believe that Jesus is on the return trip to this world, I wonder if all these people who are mass murdering innocent Christians, if they comprehend they are repeating the murder of Jesus. Jesus stated, “You do this to the least of them and you do it to me”.

Now I know when Christians die, they go to Heaven. They are taken by Jesus.  The Revelation of Jesus Christ records that Christian martyrs are under the Altar before the Father, and they are constant in their cry for being avenged. This would be the last situation I would want if I was some person in power who is stocking up Turkey and the State of Tel Aviv with weapons and money to carry out these mass murders in let us face the reality, that a prayer on earth gets to God, but one with souls before Him, probably gets there a bit sooner with more impact.

So tis the season, but it has been a very long season of years in the mass murdering of the innocents.

It might be something that the President elect who keeps harping on blowing up Iran for the State of Tel Aviv to consider the Christian population, doing well inside Iran, like it once was in most of these Muslim nations, which have now been blown up, to consult the Catholic Melania and ask if this is all kosher in blowing up the Jesus kids.

Assad’s people were Alawites, in Shia Muslims, they are being exterminated too in this Turkish Islam and Tel Aviv Jew holocaust.

America’s hand in this will be visited as this is pure evil.

Nuff Said


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