As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I in no way mean to challenge our beloved Promise Keeping President, Donald Trump 47, but submit this in the matrix flow of information for his refinement for when Canadians join their emancipation from Ottawa for the liberty and freedom of these United States under Donald Trump.

The Holy Ghost has pointed out to me the solution which is easy for making Canada the 50th state, so that no flags need to be changed or texts.

How this begins is the United States in compromise, offers either North and South Dakota to join as one state or Connecticut and Rhode Island. The lovely First Lady, Melania Trump can hold straws in the Capitol Rotunda and a Senator from either of these states will draw a straw, the short straw becomes one state instead of two.

No one can keep the Dakotas straight and those little states in the east should never have been states.

This is how this then will work. Pierre South Dakota will be the Congress for the House and Bismarck North Dakota will be the Senate. In this, the Governorship will be transferred with the Lt. Govenorship every 4 years, between the two former capitals, until the people become used to being one state and the trust is there made certain by each representing the other. The same would hold with Connecticut and Rhode Island in this same set up. Dakota would be the name of the two former states if they drew the short straw and if it is the other two, the name would be Connecticut Island.

As this joins to Canada, as Canada does not have any people, compared to a state like California, Texas or Florida, Canada would receive the 2 Senators and a population representation for their people. How this would be done to keep Congress at 435 members is the small states have given up a voting share which is huge to acquire Canada, and in this the larger states would then, give up House seats in equal number for the Canadian State to be represented in Washington City.

Canada would be liberated from Ottawa, and the new State Capital would be Winnipeg with it’s American roots in trade. Nothing would really change in the election process in Canadian Provinces, except they would elect a Governor seated in Winnipeg and the provinces would elect Commissioners.

None of this would be NAFTA or North American Union shit. This would be as the Republic of Texas joining   the Union. They kept their Rangers, and Canada can keep it’s Mounties with the ROYAL banished as we are done with that colonialism from London. The FBI would be the major law enforcement force in Canada as it is in Texas. This would all smoothly join together.

The wonderful part is open borders where Canadians and Americans could freely travel in each other’s states with no more passports or tariffs. Their President, Donald Trump would bring in vast amounts of manufacturing to provide wonderful jobs for Canadians as he is accomplishing in America. We would experience a lovely intermingling of our peoples as we all sang the Star Spangled Banner and of course Canada would sing that song they have as they like the humiliation. If Quebec pisses around in that French stuff, which they did in the 1970’s, the work of Wolfe will be finished and the Quebecois in their Vatican arrogance and American hatred will be leveled to teach them forever that English is the common language and not a national language as the Mexican in learning now in America.

Either Canada joins the United States or Russia and China will annex China and end their delusions. The first steps in this should be the Canadian Western Provinces, pass legislation to provide American zones, probably on that Queen’s Land which is another term that is not Monroe Doctrine, for Mr. Trump to set up manufacturing, American oriented laws, so that this mixing of peoples will be fast tracked with no one stepping on the other’s toes.

This is a point that Canadians can not sit on their asses thinking America will do the work and die for them again or that America will allow England and Ottawa to slaughter hundreds of thousands of White Canadian boys in world wars. Canada must begin petitioning President Donald Trump and I could think of nothing more fitting in this transition than for Canada to invite Vice President JD Vance to be their representative in their new American Government.

This is the Canadian opportunity to accomplish something for the first time in their history, instead of letting Ottawa murder American liberator of the Mettis People, Louis Reil, for attempting to emancipate Manitoba from the British rule. Either Canada gets off it’s ass or it is going to get it’s ass ate by China and Russia and America will be forced to scorch earth that land to cleanse it.

Get a move on Plains Provinces and start being the Americans your foreparents were.

Nuff Said


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