Comedian and podcast host Bill Maher said his dinner at the White House will be similar to former President Richard Nixon‘s visit to China.

“I don’t have some sort of complex where I think I can heal America. I can’t,” Maher told Chris Cuomo on The Chris Cuomo Project. “But, if two guys who’ve been at each other for so long … I mean, it’s kind of a Nixon-to-China thing.”

“I have the credential. There was nobody who was harder on Trump or more prescient about the fact that he wasn’t going to leave office voluntarily than I was.”

President Nixon’s 1972 visit to communist China was a watershed moment in the history of United States foreign policy that opened up diplomatic relations and removed China from its place as a Cold War adversary.

Along with his credentials, Maher was gifted a certain amount of respect from President Donald Trump and the administration because of his honesty surrounding the “woke train to crazy-town,” the comedian said.

“I don’t shrink from that, and I’ve also lost a lot of fans for that,” Maher said. “The woke people have left the building, and I’m willing to make that sacrifice, but it does give you a certain credibility.”

Despite criticism of his dinner, Maher said visiting the White House is an honor.

“I’ve said to them, ‘You know, I’m just gonna take it as a backhanded compliment that you glide right past the idea that little Bill Maher from River Vale, New Jersey, just a humble kid from the suburb was invited for a private dinner to the White House.’ You glide right past that to how dare you talk to him and that you’re not impressed by it all.”

“I’m impressed the f*** out of it,” Maher added. “I get to go to the White House.”

Similar to Nixon’s China visit, Maher hopes the dinner will open a dialogue.

“Let’s talk to each other face to face,” he said. “Stop shouting from 3,000 miles away. … If they expect me to be leaving in a MAGA hat, they’ll be very disappointed, but I know they don’t.”


“Look, it probably will accomplish very little, but you gotta try, man. You gotta try.”

The Washington Examiner reached out to Maher and the White House to confirm a date for the dinner and if there are plans for a podcast with the comedian and the president but did not receive a reply from either party.

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