Not all moonbats looking for an intersectional woke alternative to Christmas can make it to Virginia for the LGBT+ black vegan feminist Kwanzaa expo. Left Coasters can instead head for the self-described queer nightclub Slaughters Portland to attend the Kwanzaa Community Fundraiser and Drag Show:

This event proudly showcases the talents of our queer and/or trans community members. Expect a lineup that dazzles and celebrates diversity in all its forms!

“All its forms” could include even healthy normal people behaving in a respectable manner. But don’t worry, moonbats; they wouldn’t take diversity that far.

The perverts cavorting onstage in woman’s clothes get half the money. The other half goes to the Urban League of Portland, which…

…is one of Oregon’s oldest civil rights and social service organizations, empowering African-Americans and others to achieve equality in education, employment, health, economic security [yadda yadda yadda].

What do you need Christmas for when you have the Kwanzaa Community Fundraiser and Drag Show? Why worship Christ when you can worship LGBTism and Afro-oppressedness — at the same time?

On a tip from Mike B.

The post Another Intersectional Woke Alternative to Christmas appeared first on Moonbattery.

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