Ok, buckle up because in writing this report on biofields I came across information that I didn’t even know about.

It seems it could be a missing piece in all these assassination attempts and shootings done by people that seem very off.

Do you know about the human biofield?

The Deep State does.

Why don’t they tell us about it?

Is it so they can hack our system and we wouldn’t even realize it?

Is it so they can attack us with EMF (electro magnetic frequencies) via electronics, Wi-Fi and 5G?

Your body is their playground.

And at the end I’ll show you how you can protect yourself against it.

By the way, did you know that the Biden Admin had an E.O. that was targeted against your biofield?

BUT did you also know that President Donald Trump already knew about it and has already taken it out? I love that.

They’ve been at war against mankind’s body for ages.

Even Q said to “protect your DNA”.

Your DNA is encoded & linked to your biofield. Some even think that DNA is just the Establishment’s new word for biofield, to keep us in the dark about it.

When does this biofield begin?

At conception.

Your electrical life begins with a flash of light.

Take a look….

According to the National Institutes of Health:


As a regulator and mediator of biological interactions, the biofield appears intimately connected with information delivery within the organism. The biofield thus holds and conveys information that is vital for biocommunication and bioregulation.


Like Nikola Tesla said:


There’s even an area of photography focused on capturing images of your biofield, called Kirlian:

Okay, so now that we know that the biofield exists, what does the Deep State have to do with it?

Well, is this how are alleged mind-controlled shooters are controlled?

Is a frequency sent to them, disrupting their field, and inserting different data?

Are they using low-frequency ultrasound to hack their biofields?

How Stuff Works reports:

To understand how low-frequency ultrasound (LILFU) stimulates brain circuit activity, you have to grasp what’s going on with your gray matter when doctors aren’t using high-tech gadgetry to blast it with sound waves.

Brain cells release neurotransmitters, molecules that carry information from one nerve cell to another across small gaps called synapses. When they arrive at another cell, neurotransmitters cause ion channels to open, which in turn triggers the electrical impulses that pass messages along nerve fibers. These reactions are a vital component of the brain’s circuitry, and neurotransmitter disruptions are symptoms of such debilitating conditions as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression and epilepsy.

The team of neuroscientists at Arizona State University found that LILFU waves boosted the release of neurotransmitters, possibly by opening up sodium and calcium ion channels enough to trigger action potentials, which in turn release neurotransmitters. This means that, without invasive surgery, physicians in the future may be able to undo the damage produced by diseases such as Alzheimer’s by stimulating the production of the very neurotransmitters that the condition disrupts.

It will take years of research and development before LILFU technology is ready to alter human brain circuitry and nonsurgically repair neurological injuries and diseases.

As you might imagine, however, the effects of ultrasound on the human brain haven’t inspired only therapeutic innovations. Various studies have reportedly theorized that ultrasonic weapons could be used to induce vomiting and nausea in victims — perhaps during a riot-control scenario [source: Jauchem]. Other scientists suggest that the technology could eventually allow us to manipulate human memory.

Ultrasonic mind control is a science very much in its infancy. With enough research, we might one day live in an age where police use ultrasound to incapacitate you at a protest, while physicians optimize human brain efficiency with a little ultrasonic fine-tuning.

Bottom line: Be sure to protect your biofield!

Is this why it’s written “lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” in Mark 16?

So, how do you protect your biofield?

One tool you can do is grounding. That’s where you simply walk barefoot on the earth (moist grass is probably best).

This pulls the electrons that are in the earth up into your body.

The 2nd option I suggest is:

Wear a Q-Link pendant.

You just leave it on all day and all night.

So far, over 1 million of these bad boys have been sold.

The company states the technology in the pendant will give you:

More vitality, greater focus, improved performance, and better stress response.

Many wearers claim it helps your body to deal with EMFs (electro magnetic frequencies).

Q-Links help, not by blocking EMFs, but by boosting the state of your body so it will combat the effects of EMFs.

I was shocked to discover that one of the founders who came across this technology happened to perform and record with The Beach Boys!

Even celebrities have been seen wearing Q-Links years ago before any of us knew about this sort of stuff.

Makes you wonder how much insider info are they getting since they’re in “the club” ?

SFGate reports:

Jimmy Page, one of rock’s all-time guitar heroes, is featured on the cover of this month’s Rolling Stone sporting his from way back. Lindsay Lohan was photographed wearing hers after she checked out of rehab. And more than 300 golfers in the PGA wear theirs; 120 championships on the links have been won with them, and many on the tour say it’s all because of the Q-Link.

Bruce Fleisher, 2001 U.S. Senior Open Champ said, “The week after I put it on, I won the Senior Open. Was it luck? Absolutely. Destiny? You better believe it.”

There’s more. “It was amazing. In the space of a few weeks, the guy pitching the opener of the World Series, Josh Beckett, flying out of his shirt was the Q-Link and then Alex Shabalov, the U.S. chess champ, was wearing it,” said Richard Gray, president and CEO of Clarus Transphase Scientific Inc., maker of Q-Link. “In a chess blog, he said he put it on and it helped him to win the tournament.”

On a personal note, a Q-Link helped my mom, who was huffing and puffing as she tried walking up the stairs.

I’ll never forget seeing that. It disturbed me.

Her health wasn’t the same after having a stroke.

I was worrying that she might have another.

Then it dawned on me.

“Duh, get her a Q-Link!” Of course. I just had a feeling in my gut (that was probably God) to order her one.

So I got her one and she changed over night! Next day she showed me the change.

She said “Look at this!” and then preceded to go up and down the stairs like normal. She couldn’t believe it!

She said she even felt more energetic.

Talk about a sigh of relief.

So, I put a link below so you can order one. I’m hoping it will bless you as much as it did my family.

I pray God gets this to the right people.

Also, I do sleep great wearing this.

You might get more dreams wearing this too. That seems to be a common effect.

Order your own Q-Link pendant today!

Nothing in this article shall be deemed as claiming any product can diagnose, treat or cure any disease, health or medical condition whatsoever.  We cannot give you personalized medical advice.  

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