The reason college professors make such good money (largely at the expense of taxpayers and often for relatively little work) is that they have a special skill. Even after the envelope of moonbattery has been pushed over the edge into self-parody, they find creative ways to push it further still.
Presenting an abstract published by professors at University of San Diego and North Carolina State University:
Amplifying the importance of geologic processes in subject formation, the study asserts that geological time is important for understanding memory and memorials. In the Equal Justice Initiative’s Community Remembrance Projects and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, materials of geologic composition like soil, and those made from earth materials, such as steel and bricks, are employed to trope the bodies of lynching victims and weather racist geologic formations of subjecthood. The holding and eroding of violent memories crafts an intimate and resistant geopoetics of Black humanity.
Whatever you major in, there is only one subject in college these days: moonbattery. Geology is now about how much liberals hate America. In an interview, two of the authors provide a glimpse into their classrooms by giving a history lesson:
In the US, white people killed Black people who wanted to be free, to be treated equal and to build a community for themselves. White people wanted to be more powerful than the Black people and use them to make money, so they would sometimes kill some of them to scare their friends and family. This was wrong and created a lot of pain. It’s important that we remember and honor the lives of the people who were killed. It’s also important to help the communities who experienced this violence heal. Our research is about how people can use rocks to heal from this horrible history.
If BDSM can heal blacks from the wounds of whiteness, why not rocks?
On a tip from Jester. Hat tip: Campus Reform.
The post Professors Find That Rocks Heal Racism appeared first on Moonbattery.