“The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth,” wrote George Orwell. Bureaucrats like Winston Smith had to alter official history in 1984 because reality did not comply with the Ingsoc party line. Still more starkly does it fail to comply with transsexual ideology. So life imitates art, as official documents are altered.
From moonbattery-addled Colorado:
HB25-1109 … makes it a crime to “misgender” someone on a death certificate. In other words, the bill would require grieving families, funeral directors, and doctors, to lie about the actual sex of a deceased person on the official government document certifying their death. …
This misguided bill pits family members who disagree against each other by allowing subjective claims and opinions to override the actual reality of the dead person’s sex. Worse, the reliability of objective government records of death would be destroyed. Death certificates cannot be used to do medical research on the causes of death and the effects of disease by sex any longer, since no one will be able to trust that a record that shows a female isn’t actually a male.
When the bill becomes law, it will be illegal to mark death certificates as “altered,” because that would clue people in that the given gender is a lie.
Under the bill, you could be sentenced to 1 year in prison for “misgendering” a dead transsexual by referring to their factual gender.
Liberalism differs from Orwell’s Ingsoc in that even in Colorado, people will be allowed to speak the words “two plus two equals four” — for now.
Thanks to Trump, at least US passports are required to be accurate. Transsexual bullies who expect us to sacrifice reality itself to their psychopathology are enraged:
HBO’s Euphoria star Hunter Schafer revealed that his passport has been changed from female to male — his actual biological sex — due to an executive order by President Donald Trump. “F[***] this administration,” the trans declared.
This outrage was inflicted upon Schafer even despite his privilege:
“I want to acknowledge my privilege, like, not only as a, like, famous, like, celebrity trans woman who is white, and thin, and can adhere to, like, contemporary beauty standards, and I can participate in all of that, and I pass — and it still happened,” Schafer said.
Schafer fittingly starred in a horror movie called Cuckoo.
On tips from Barry A, Mr. Freemarket, and MrRightWingDave.
The post Falsifying Official Documents for Transsexualism appeared first on Moonbattery.