It is time to turn Canada over to Donald Trump who will know how to
govern MACA, Make American Canada Again
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In continuing to inform readers in America, and to provide a base of understanding to Canadians held hostage in Canada who yearn to be liberated and free from Ottawa and Royal London tyranny, the Lame Cherry provides the following insights into Canada being on the rocks. Thee entire state is in ruin and is poised to have an Alberta native of French Saskatchewan roots as their next Prime Minister.
Pierre Poilievre, is though not to be thought of as a Conservative, he has like all members, as in Europe who call themselves Conservatives, very much a Rhino type Republican in swerving one moment to coming out against widespread Canadian gun control and in the next spewing about Obamcare in Canada with butchering babies in the womb.
Canada needs Emancipation, not another bandage of George Bush kinder and gentler ideas that Trudeau will exploit to the extermination of White Canada and the Mettis Peoples.
Meet you on the other side.
It had been a rocky week in Canada because of Trump. No one understands why of all the international countries he “attacked” Canada, which was the most harmless. Clearly the involvement of Trudeau in the Russia-Gate hoax is not common knowledge up there, or is dismissed as conspiracy theory. This was grounds for a war for what their looney leader did. Considering all things, Trump is being very merciful. When I asked why everyone was panicking, it’s apparently because companies have started firing people and “tightening their belt”. What is sounds like to me is that they were going to do that anyways, because they have to pay insurance and crazy wages (because of the insane taxes) to unqualified people, and they are just using Trump as an excuse to not be accused of not contributing to the socialist utopia and getting personally attacked. How dare business owners want to make a profit? As usual, Trump is used as the scapegoat.
Similarly, Amazon has just announced that their 6 facilities in Quebec will close soon. It could not possibly be because Quebec is insanely unwelcoming for businesses with their high minimum salaries, benefits, and their crazy high taxes… The Laval Amazon center near them had just unionized, which meant that the others would follow soon. Surely Trump was the cause for the closings and not the fact that people who move packages around would need to be paid $25 an hour with yearly raises. High taxes mean inflated salaries and that is not sustainable in the long run.The technicians that worked at AT&T threatened to unionize many times. That was a bad idea every time, because if they did they would all lose their job and then be rehired as contractors with much less benefits and advantages. Canada still blames Amazon leaving Quebec on Trump. The Orwellian double think is strong.
Trump so much loved before he was elected, but now that he is and actually does something that is not groveling in front of Canada, then he becomes a villain. The other funny thing about this Amazon business is that many of the Canadian federal services are hosted on their AWS cloud services. Apparently someone high up made the threat that the country would withdraw all their business online with Amazon. That’s way easier said than done. I have no doubt more businesses will take advantage of Trump’s election to fire people and the crazy lefty Canadians will blame it on him rather than on their failing communist policies, because that is more convenient. The best thing that could happen to Canada is to elect Pierre Poilievre, the no nonsense guy, Trump would certainly do business with him to the benefit of both countries.
Actually in researching this article, the idea of Canadian Liberation is the focus of another Canadian in Jeremy MacKenzie, a rather alt right ideologue who paid a compliment to Mr. P’s wife, a lovely White Spaniard, in he wanted to rape her.
In September 2022, Jeremy MacKenzie, the far-right leader of the Diagolon online community, spoke about raping Anaida Poilievre.Pierre Poilievre referred the comments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “No one should ever be subject to threats of violence or the kind of hatred we’ve seen increasingly … It’s important that we all stand up and condemn that.”The RCMP said it was reviewing the report
Considering the facts that the pet invaders of Canada are wholesale raping Canadian females, males and pets without any investigation by the Royal Mounties is a bit par for the course. As MacKenzie after his compliment in wanting to honor Anaida Poilievere with his erection, did not get him castrated, shows that Trudeau wanted the rape to take place as much as everyone in Canada knew it was a compliment as she is quite attractive for an Indigenous cross.
Who in America and American Canada could not support this Scotsmans revolutionary political dogma to shatter the current London erasure and replacement of White Canadians with an accelerated revolution to collapse this evil system against Canadians and Americans.
is an “accelerationist movement that believes a revolution is inevitable and necessary to collapse the current government system”
As you can see Jeremy MacKenzie is a pleasant American in the making, pretty women love to be with him in complete safety.
This is Patriot MacKenzie that Obama Biden and his liberation movement were put on the terror list like all the Jan6ers.
As you can see by their Diagolon Flag in the corner and their visions of the union of the Plains of America, that they are thinking along President Donald Trump’s ideas.
MacKenzie and his followers have created, one that runs from Alaska to Florida
None of this is new, as this all dates back to the union of thee American interior which began with the Selkirk Settlement.
Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk,
A most farsighted Scottish leader, he founded Winnipeg Manitoba and with the Mettis traders in the ox carts south, sought to link St. Louis, to the Mississippi with the Red River colony to Hudson Bay in a united People.
It would be the great American of Chicago, Louis Reil who would enter Canada with liberation on his mind to the Mettis (half breed English and French Indians of the ox carts) to form the vision of the Earl of Selkirk in a free Manitoba from London tyranny. Ottawa murdered this American Patriot by hanging, whose blood still cries out for justice from Washington DC, who continued on the original Manifest Destiny which President Donald Trump has espoused, a one North American Nation Under God.
This is the vision of Jeremy MacKenzie who saw a nation from Alaska to Florida and one which Pierre Pollievere has been joined to. Yes so much for rape, as a charge as no politician who is in bed with a political movement is exactly concerned his South American wife is going to be raped, when he is in league with the group desiring to join Canada to America.
Pierre Poilievre’s dangerous dance with a Diagolon extremist
There is no extremism is Diagolon. That is just another smear by London banking which set up Russiagate with Trudeau spying on Donald Trump and inflicted Jan6 on Americans as they did on Canadian truckers in that protest.
It is past time that Canadians stopped acting like Mr. Bill in whining about things and started flying the Stars and Stripes and joined in this movement to save them from Chinese rape cock and Russian annexation which is coming. Canada should not expect Americans to fight and die for them in being pissy little girls who were too timid to accept President Donald Trump’s kind offer of protection now. When it comes to Chinese invasion and Russian annexation, America will simply nuke Canada to be rid of the problem and then annex this cleansed soil as God intended it from the beginning as part of the United States. It will not be 54 40 or fight, Canadian prisses had better understand that it will be in world war 54 40 and nuke it north.
If Canadians desire to be Darwins in being dispensed in the near future, that is their Dodo bird choice, and that kind of genetics in bending at the butt is nothing Americans would care to be bred to. Louis Reil is going to be the last American who dies for Canadians too weak to have an idea of liberation themselves. It is better if Canadians handed things over to the adult Donald Trump now and let the adult manage their affairs. This Albertan in the wings needs to adjust to the MacKenzie Doctrine and become the thankful last leader of Canada as men like Jeremy MacKenzie become the first leaders of thee American State.
Nuff Said