Salon writers, Chauncey DeVega and Amanda Marcotte are hammering hard that this is the end of the world as we know it.
Most of us feel fine. But, let’s take this example of Chauncey’s latest for starters. The column is entitled “Surviving Political Grief: You’re Not Alone And There Is a Path Forward“.
Donald Trump is now the 47th president of the United States. Compared to the horrible things that will happen in America over (at least) the next four years, the weeks between Election Day and his inauguration may be remembered as the good times.
I tried to enjoy that reprieve while it lasted.”-Chauncey Devega, Salon
You call the last four years of Biden a reprieve?! A reprieve from what, exactly? An economy where individuals could barely keep their heads above water? Where was their reprieve? A reprieve from the crime committed by illegal criminals infesting our cities? Where was Laken Riley’s reprieve? Let’s not even talk about a reprieve from the full-throttle insanity that was the Biden Administration. “Admirals” in dresses posing as “health authorities” and advocating for genital mutilation of children, anyone?
Millions of Americans who voted for Kamala Harris, and who believe in American democracy and the common good, remain collectively stuck in the various stages of grief.”-Chauncey Devega, Salon
The “common good” that came from the four year “reprieve” of the Biden Administration? Thanks, but no thanks. Still Devega attempts to make the case:
A colleague recently observed to me that journalist (SIC) and other public voices who have tried to warn the American people during this time of crisis are something like homicide detectives, who must document and investigates (SIC) terrible events with little power to control or prevent them. It is grinding and emotionally difficult work that often feels futile and can lead to PTSD, substance abuse and mental health issues.”-Chauncey Devega, Salon
Homicide detectives?! I think not. And this is why journalists like CNN’s Jim Acosta, have this holier-than-thou complex of “reporting the facts”. They think they’re “homicide detectives” as they harped endlessly in 2016 and for four consecutive years on Russia and now harp on January 6th. All while blissfully ignoring the actual physical, mental and emotional homicide that is going on around them. So grinding that journos now have PTSD. They may be forced to drink, do drugs or be committed to an insane asylum. Speaking of the insane asylum…
The American people are under systematic assault from disinformation, misinformation and propaganda, including conspiracy theories, often spread by malign actors who have successfully undermined the public’s ability to engage in what psychologists describe as ‘reality testing.’ Many Americans also exhibit a systematic form of negativity bias, consistently telling public-opinion pollsters and researchers that the country is generally worse than it actually is on issues like crime, immigration and the economy. This negativity bias is especially acute among Trump followers and right-wing evangelical Christians, who truly believe America is under attack by demonic forces and must face a spiritual war with Donald Trump as its champion.’-Chauncey Devega, Salon
Don’t believe in demonic culture?
Those right-wing evangelical Christians just suck the life out of those who believe in The authoritarian State and “democracy”. Just take it from another Salon great, Amanda Marcotte, who was in rare form this morning:
Initially, the most striking detail in the White House Office of Management and Budget memo that has put a “pause” on huge swathes of the American economy, is how unhinged the paranoia is. The order insists that all federal grant and loan spending must be halted to combat ‘Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies.’ Ordinary people may see nothing but a local bridge being repaired, broadband internet being installed or a park getting cleaned up. Through MAGA-colored glasses, it’s all a plot to turn you into transgender Marxists and probably vegans, who are worse than Satanists.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon
The issue here? A “local bridge being repaired” takes years upon years because of other hidden spending and paying the bureaucrats, resulting in “budget shortfalls”. And, Trump and team ARE, believe it or not, working on “cleaning up the parks”. The curb on illegal immigrants smuggling fentanyl over our borders will for sure clean up the parks in our cities (considering most childless, Marxist-equity soldiers would not lift a damn finger and just as soon let someone else’s kid step on a dirty needle). Hell, maybe the addicts who choose to live in these parks will go to shelters and clean up to gain a new lease on life to live as God intended. I know, that’s just my “Christian-nationalist-ghoul-wearing-MAGA-colored-glasses” coming out.
One could say that Marcotte’s latest musings are coming out of the grief her buddy Chauncey was referencing. All the fault of Christian Nationalists who voted for Trump. Here we go with Project 2025:
‘Families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children are the foundation of a well-ordered nation and healthy society,’ the document declares, putting single people and queer people into the category of woke un-people.”-Amanda Marcotte, Salon
No, Ms. Marcotte. You put single and queer people into a category of “woke, un-people”. And, regardless of what one thinks of Project 2025 and its creators, there is a great deal of truth in that statement taken out of its confines. Liberals may refuse to believe it, but a child who has a stable family life whose parents don’t freaking hate each other greatly contributes to a child’s future identity and success. Does it guarantee perfection? No. But is it better than being “raised by The State”? Or raised by one’s teachers? Or raised by the celebrities and the bobbleheads on TV news who are now suffering from “PTSD”?
The effects of marriage are greatest during the elementary school, middle childhood, and early adolescence stages of life. Children whose parents are married when they are born have better life outcomes than children who were born to unmarried parents even after controlling for the mother’s education and age, birth weight, and doing separate analyses for race and gender.”-Isabel Sawhill and Kyle Smith, Institute for Family Studies
It’s a “blitzkrieg” a-happening, according to Amanda Marcotte. The Trump Administration has stopped the blank checks. Gasp! Whatever is a person who believes they should get something for doing absolutely nothing going to do?
Americans of conscience who wish to redeem and renew democracy must harness their distress and anxiety and use it to recharge their batteries. Inaction and learned helplessness are an unacceptable choice. The only way through this disaster is forward.”-Chauncey Devega, Salon
Because the rest of us against crime, killing and mutilating innocent kids and are tired of picking up the slack for those who have an entitlement mentality and flat-out refuse to work for anything, lack a conscience, apparently.
The Democrats fail to see how making their business our business and forcing it upon all of America has failed them. They fail to see how this lead to Trump being re-elected. They fail to see how their actions brought on all of this. Now, they’re looking for ways to “cope”? Yes, the only way through this disaster is forward. If this election has you paralyzed, then maybe you do need something else that provides you with more meaning in this temporary life. Want to “recharge your batteries”? Here’s an idea. How about getting up out of bed and actually showing up to work?
Don’t have a job? Get one. And, yeah, stop reading Salon.
Featured image via Antoni Shkraba on Pexels, cropped, Pexels license
The post Salon: Political Grief Is Real-Read Our TDS Daily appeared first on Victory Girls Blog.