Remember when we were sold that media talking point about the Kamala campaign being defined by joy? What ELSE have they lied to us about?

If there’s one skill our discredited media still has, it’s the ability to stick to their script.

Back when the left’s vaunted Mueller Report hopes started circling the drain, leaked the NYTimes pledged to tell every Trump story through a lens of filter of ‘racism’. — LEAKED: New York Times Staff Meeting Reveals The NEW Plan On How To Cover President Trump

Coverage of all things Trump-related whether by NYT or their fellow-travelers since that date pretty much speaks for itself.

So too does their uncanny ability to cherry-pick the same adjectives to negatively describe the Trump campaign, or else prop up the Kamala campaign. Tom Elliott and Grabien have some fantastic supercuts. They also tend to ‘pounce’ on the same bogus stories that always seem to tilt in the Democrat advantage… including the FBI’s recent false crime data scandal.

Coming back to the current election race, Kamala was parachuted in at the last minute, was given a free hand and a blank slate to define herself in terms the media was more than happy to amplify. How did she use that opportunity?

After consulting with the best campaign advisors money could possibly buy, the decision was made to sell ‘joy’. All she had to do was put a smile on her face for about 3 months or so and ride the wave of adulation her adoring media was sure to give her.

That would give her some distance from the Raging Joe Biden that has been so unappealing to undecided voters and allow her to appear winsome to people who were still making up her mind.

Trump, the media tells us, is grouchy, ill-tempered, and generally miserable.

Ok, that’s what they’re telling us. We’ve long since seen how reliable what they TELL us about a political candidate looks like. But what about real life?

Is Trump the rage-case they want us to think he is?
What about Kamala? Is she all sweetness and light? Or is there a ring of truth to the complaints of former Kamala staffers complaining about her being a horrible person to work for? (Even POLITICO of all outlets to say such a thing about their beloved candidate.)

With 2 weeks left until the votes are tallied, there’s not much left to be said about policy. It’s down to what the candidates themselves have to offer. Let’s see how what they’ve shown us in recent days tells us about their relative levels of ‘joy’ and ‘rage’.

Here’s Trump at the McDonald’s campaign stop. He seems to be genuinely enjoying himself.

When a stranger at the drive through thanked him for talking to ‘ordinary people like us’, Trump made a point of saying he was ‘not ordinary’.

He even took time to wish his opponent a ‘happy birthday’ (source).

Here’s Kamala just a few days ago. She seems upset.

At least when Howard Dean gave his career-ending scream, he had a smile on his face.

Kamala is looking more and more like late-stage Joe Biden. The only thing she still lacks is the angry old man whisper and the blood-red Hitlerian backdrop. But with two weeks left in the campaign, there’s still time for that, too.

Meanwhile, ‘Surprised By Joy’ is more than just an autobiographical story by CS Lewis, it’s an increasingly accurate description of undecided voters looking at Trump’s campaign. They find themselves looking at a Trump that bears no resemblance to the bitter, cynical rage-monster the left has spent years painting him to be.

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The post DECISION 2024: Joy, Rage & The Election Lies Regime Media Have Force-Fed Us appeared first on Clash Daily.

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