Note: yesterday, we put together a viral Twitter thread to bring attention to this case. Today, two pro-freedom Republican lawmakers are using an unprecedented subpoena to overturn the conviction. Please consider reaching out to both of them directly about this (here and here) or indirectly on Twitter here to support their efforts and create legislative pressure to overturn this execution.

In this publication, I have made the case that there is over a century of evidence that sudden infant death syndrome (all of which is comprehensively detailed here) is linked to excessive vaccination of infants.

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In that article, I provided extensive references for the following points:

•SIDS “mysteriously” clusters at 2 to 4 months of age—which is also when children happen to receive the vaccines most strongly associated with causing SIDS (e.g., the TDwP pertussis vaccine). Many doctors and patients noticed this, but it has been relentlessly dismissed by the medical industrial complex.

As far back as 1933, case reports were produced of children experiencing brain damage and then infant death shortly after the TDwP shot. (e.g., a 1978 report that studied 15 million TDwP injections linked numerous cases of the vaccine to brain damage and death).

•In 1979, the CDC also completed its own analysis 1980 of 23 deaths within 28 days of DTwP vaccination, 12 (52.2 %) occurred within 24 hours, and 18 (78.3 %) occurred within one week. In 16 of the 23 deaths, autopsy findings were consistent with SIDS. Of the 16 SIDS deaths, 6 (37.5 %) occurred within 24 hours, and 12 (75 %) occurred within one week.

A 1982 study that was inspired by observing 4 cases of SIDS within 19 hours of the TDwP vaccine that then studied 200 randomly selected SIDS cases. They found most of infants had been vaccinated prior to death (6.5% within 12 hours of vaccination, 26% within 3 days, 37% within a week, 61% within two weeks, and 70% within 3 weeks), with death typically following brief periods of irritability, crying, lethargy, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and sleep disturbance. Additionally, their autopsy findings were relatively consistent (e.g. petechiae of lung, pleura, pericardium, and thymus; vascular congestion; pulmonary edema; pneumonitis; and brain edema).

In 2014, mass graves were unearthed for Irish orphans who coincidentally had been test subjects for the early diphtheria vaccine in the 1930s.

•In addition to there being countless cases of children receiving those vaccines and dying suddenly later in the night, many cases also exist of two twins both dying within 24 hours of the vaccine (e.g., the earliest was in 1946, while this article reviews 13 cases of simultaneous twin SIDS deaths)—something which is almost impossible to have occurred by chance. Additionally, in many cases (e.g., this 1987 onethis 2007 onethis 2010 one, and this 2013 one) of twins who died after vaccination and were found dead lying on their backs.
Note: I believe the immediate twin deaths were likely due to them both receiving a hot vaccine lot (which as I show here, was a longstanding problem with the TDwP vaccine—for example, in 1978-1978, 11 babies in Tennessee were found to have died within 8 days of a TDwP vaccine, 9 of whom received the same lot—leading the US government to privately acknowledge the deaths may have been due to the vaccine and the manufacturer issuing a memo to spread future lots throughout the country so hot lots would no longer cluster in an area and cause identifiable SIDS outbreaks). One of the truly remarkable things about these events was that the FDA rejected the manufacturer’s proposal to put SIDS on the warning label for the vaccine (although since that time it has been implemented).

In 1957, an Australian MD (Archie Kalokerinos) worked with the Aboriginal community (who were poorly treated in Australia and had abysmal living conditions resulting in a 10% infant mortality rate—compared to 2% in the neighboring regions). He realized this death was largely due to widespread vitamin C deficiencies (as their native diets had been destroyed by colonialism). In many cases, he was able to rescue infants on the verge of death in minutes by giving them vitamin C. Likewise, he showed that vitamin C deficiency also explained the children’s widespread epidemic of pneumonia, severe ear infections, severe infant irritability, and a frequent inability to feed. He eventually ignited national controversy by successfully defending an Aboriginal woman accused of killing her child by proving the bruising on the child’s body was due to scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) rather than child abuse, and when he at last convinced the authorities to start giving vitamin C to Aboriginal children, all of these conditions dropped dramatically. Most importantly, he found that much in the same way an illness (e.g., pneumonia or sepsis) rapidly depleted vitamin C levels (which is essentially why IV vitamin C is so helpful for treating sepsis), vaccination would severely exacerbate an existing vitamin C deficiency. This was best shown by a vaccination campaign killing 50% of the children in one Aboriginal community (you read that correctly 50%), and that giving vitamin C to animals before vaccinating them prevented them from dying.

Note: in addition to this, a large body of evidence links TDwP vaccination to childhood ear infections (e.g., numerous studies have found that vaccinated children are 3-50 times more likely to get them).

• Japan’s decision to delay the scheduled DTwP vaccination by 20 months resulted in an 85-90% reduction in the instances of SIDS.

When SIDS cases at morgues are examinedthey cluster at precisely 2, 4, or 6 months of age (rather than spread throughout the 2 to 6 month period).

•Prior to the mass vaccination programs in America, SIDS was very rare (to the point few were even aware crib death occurred), but rapidly spiked (to the point a new diagnosis category had to be made) after national mass vaccination and before long became the leading cause of death in the first 12 months of life. For instance, between 1953 to 1992 in Olmstead County, Minnesota, the rate of SIDS went from 0.55% to 12.8% of live births (going from 2.5% to 17.9% of total infant deaths), with 85% occurring within the first 6 months of infancy. In contrast, during that same time, almost every other childhood disease was continually decreasing.

A 2011 study showed there is a direct correlation between how many vaccines a country gives their children and their infant mortality rate.

•While the rates of SIDS steadily increased, once the TDwP vaccine was replaced with the safer TDaP vaccine between 1991-1996, it began to decrease. This reduction is commonly attributed to the Back to Sleep campaign, but this ignores the fact that the decline began before the campaign. That many infants (e.g., the twins) have been found dead lying on their backs, and that prior to the TDwP vaccine, sleeping on the back wasn’t an issue.

When cases of SIDS are analyzed in VAERS, they cluster next to vaccination (e.g., 75% occur within 1 week of vaccination and comprise almost all infant deaths associated with vaccination).

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