Democrats have a habit of falling into the traps they dig for others. Fani is just the latest example.

Remember when Harry Reid blew up the filibuster so that Obama could get some judicial appointments? Ask Merrick Garland how THAT precedent worked out for him.

And how about Congress routinely curb-stomping any invocation of Executive Privilege by Trump associates because a unlawfully-constituted committee demanded compliance? Several from Trump’s circle have beeen cooling their heels in prison for such ‘violations’ of Congressional demands… Bannon is still there as we speak.

Conveniently, right up until election day.

An appeals court in New York has already indicated they think another Trump case was nothing more than a political hatchet job, and Congress has every reason to believe that Biden’s DOJ has been coordinating attacks on their chief political rival for a couple of years now.

They have subpoenaed Nathan Willis as a witness while they consider any changes to law that might be necessary. For some reason, his love interest — Fani Willis — is getting twitchy. She’s written a lengthy and indignant letter to Congress invoking every privilege she possibly can to gag her ex-lover’s testimony.

Here is the tweet where House Judiciary makes her letter public.

And here is the text of her letter:

Must have nearly killed her to write ‘Dear Mr. Jordan’ instead the string of expletives she’d almost certainly rather have written.

How does she figure that she will get protections that the President of the United States did not enjoy?

Maybe she should take her complaints to Nancy Pelosi, Benny Thompson, Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Liz Cheney and the rest. If Fani doesn’t like the ‘new rules’ we’re playing under, bring your complaints to the folks who changed the rules of the game.

Why are you so anxious to keep Wade silent, Fani…? Do you have some uncomfortable secrets that could get your case tossed… or even worse, get you disbarred?

Sure would be a same if your witch hunt boomeranged and took you down instead, wouldn’t it?

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The post Fani Willis Fights To Have Legal Privilege Protected After Years Of Trump’s Being Routinely Violated appeared first on Clash Daily.

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