It's the worst-kept secret in America. The Democrats are losing control over their once-solid base.
President Donald Trump has made significant inroads with unions, white, working-class traditional Democrats, Hispanics and blacks. Democrats have conned these constituencies with promise after promise, the bigger the better, for decades. But liberal legislators simply have never delivered on their promises.
So what is an ever-shrinking, barely national political party to do? Leftists in America have decided to recruit new voters from the world's impoverished. Indeed, they are the only class of people on the planet who are worse off than Democrat voters.
The latest salvo in this nakedly un-American agenda was launched in New York. “Leaders” there decided to grant illegal aliens the privilege of attaining a state-issued driver's license. New York will now join 12 states and the District of Columbia in trying to provide legitimacy to a class of people who are illegitimately here in the U.S.
The legislation, known as the Green Light Bill, allows an estimated 265,000 illegal aliens the same privilege as Americans, driving on taxpayer-funded roads. Supporters spewed the usual pablum, claiming the law would create safer roads, increase state revenue, and keep illegal alien families together by preventing traffic violations from turning into deportations.
Related: New York Approves Controversial Measure to Give Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens
But the law's true purpose is nothing short of subversive.
In America the driver's license is incredibly important. As driving-tests.org notes, the license identifies a person to law enforcement as a licensed driver. It allows illegal aliens not to raise any red flags with cops. Police officers would have no reason to suspect the illegality of the person they are stopping if that individual had the blessings of a state government that a license conveys. The document would further aid the alien in his or her illegal existence in America.
The license also serves as one's “official” personal I.D. This opens access to all manner of services.
It gives one access to the banking system. It also allows folks to board commercial aircraft. The danger here is obvious. In 2006, a staff report of the House Committee on Homeland Security entitled “A Line in the Sand” indicated that terrorists around the globe were going to Mexico, learning Spanish and taking Latino surnames in an effort to exploit the lawlessness of the region created by American lawmakers.It doesn't take much imagination to envision terrorists, posing as asylum abusers or illegal aliens, using vacuous immigration laws inflicted on the U.S. by Congress to gain access to America.
It doesn't take much imagination to envision terrorists, posing as asylum abusers or illegal aliens, using vacuous immigration laws inflicted on the U.S. by Congress to gain access to America. Then those same terrorists, using driver's license laws passed in liberal states, would then board aircraft in an effort to turn planes into weapons to kill Americans … again.
The driver's license is also the gateway to vote in America. Illegal immigrants, armed with their new state-issued I.D., can register to vote. Indeed, they are voting in liberal states already.
California, Maryland and Massachusetts have already or are in the process of allowing illegals to vote. This, of course, nullifies legitimate American votes. It's the Democrats' last desperate ploy.
As the party has turned full-blown socialist, only illegal aliens would view them as “not as bad” as the despotic, left-wing countries they are fleeing.
Illegal aliens also don't have decades of broken promises to hold against the Democrat Party.
Related: This Elected Lawmaker Is Trying to Help Illegals Avoid Arrest by ICE
Benjamin Franklin said, “I am for doing good to the poor, but … I think the best way of doing good to the poor is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it.”
The same can be said for those illegally in America. Despite what leftists will say, there is no inherent right for the world's poor, downtrodden or victims of liberal policies to come to America whenever it suits them.
We should not make lawbreakers “easy” in their illegality. We should be inventing ways to make being illegal in America untenable. It's not that difficult. Democrats have been doing that to Americans for years.
We could deny constitutional rights to illegals, the way Dems do to Americans. We can financially hinder illegals through massive taxes, fee and charges, the way Dems do to Americans. We can burden illegals with mountains of paperwork, compliance forms and wait times the way Democrats do to Americans.
Short of all that, there's only one sure way to make sure the Democrats' “foreigners first policies” don't continue to harm black, white and Hispanic Americans: Vote Democrats out of office.
Chris Salcedo is a nationally recognized radio talk show host heard on WBAP in Dallas, Texas, and KSEV in Houston, Texas. He is the author of the book “Liberty Rises” and the executive director of The Conservative Hispanic Society.
The post Why the Dems' Push to Give Illegal Aliens the Power to Nullify American Votes Is So Dangerous appeared first on LifeZette.
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