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Why Dubai’s COP28 Should Be Called ‘Council Of The Pointless’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Unless you’re a climate warrior or an energy wonk, you probably weren’t aware of last week’s end of the 28th edition of the “Council of the Parties,” better known as COP28, held this year in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Don’t be surprised if you weren’t one of over 84,000 delegates – more than double the previous record – who got an invite. It’s probably because you are not a raging hypocrite. COP28 attendees spent the better part of two weeks in deep discussion over the “existential threat” of a so-called “climate crisis,” and how the world needs to respond before it is too late to save the planet from imminent doom.

When you add to the expansive delegate count the thousands more non-delegate support staff, media, climate-warrior groupies, and casual onlookers, the ultimate outcome is that over 100,000 people – who all claim to love Mother Earth more than anything – felt the need to inundate Dubai rather than jump on Zoom sessions or conference calls to discuss how to save the planet. Remember, Zoom is good enough for kids locked out of schools, but not good enough for climate junkets.

Delegates spent two weeks in Dubai staying in 5-star resorts, feasting on gourmet meals, drinking top-shelf alcohol, being driven around in stretch limousines, “laboring” in air-conditioned conference facilities, and engaging in unknown debauchery when not working to rid the earth of traditional energy solutions, like coal, oil, and natural gas.

When not engaged in extracurricular activities, COP28’s delegates created a bunch of work-product to justify their junket.

First on the menu, pun intended, was an effort to cancel meat. Keep in mind, they just want to cancel your holiday meal, not their own. Then, the delegations pledged hundreds of millions of dollars toward helping developing nations impacted by the “crisis.” Forget that these dollars will never be used to help those nations grow their GDPs nor their energy independence; instead, the World Bank will administer the money to the ruling class in those countries. What could possibly go wrong giving more money and power to the elite?

The most celebrated output from COP28 was a final agreement calling for the “beginning of the end” of all fossil fuel development. This “global stockade” – signed by delegations representing more than 200 countries is, according to the United Nations, the vehicle by which “[p]arties take actions towards…the phase-down of unabated coal power, phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, and other measures that drive the transition away from fossil fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner…”

Let’s take this in for a minute: 84,000 delegates spent two weeks living in luxury, and their takeaway was that fossil fuels – which, between coal, natural gas, and oil power over 80% of the world today – are the enemy of the planet?

News flash: none of the climate hypocrites, COP28 delegates, would be meeting in Dubai in the first place without fossil fuels. None of them – not a single one – made it there, stayed there, communicated to their home countries, families or each other while there, enjoyed their lavish lifestyle while there or made it home from there without direct or byproduct use of fossil fuels.

So, the next time you hear about the good work being done at the COP events – and make no mistake, we’ll see COP29, COP 39, COP49, and so on – remember that they are giant parties designed to bring powerful, wealthy ideologues together to rage against the very products that have made their powerful, wealthy lives possible.

COP should stand for the “Council of the Pointless.”

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Rick Whitbeck is the Alaska State Director for Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs. Contact him at [email protected] and follow him on X: @PTFAlaska.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.

The post <a href=https://www.dailywire.com/news/why-dubais-cop28-should-be-called-council-of-the-pointless target=_blank >Why Dubai’s COP28 Should Be Called ‘Council Of The Pointless’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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