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Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak blows up Internet with lockdown tweet

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Several states across the country continue to be in one phase of COVID-19 lockdown or another with two months of increasingly draconian rule under their belts. And throughout this difficult time, many in the entertainment community have raced to social media —in some cases, national television commercials— to encourage citizens to stay home. But Wheel of Fortune host Pat Sajak isn't one of them.

This week, the long-time host hit back against the narrative and encouraged fans that maybe there is someone in Hollywood with a reasonable thought process.

Here's what he said: “When a disc jockey or a talk show host or a journalist who is being paid to work from his or her home tells people who can't work, pay bills or pay their rent or mortgage to ‘Stay home and be careful because we're all in this together,' it's okay to question the premise.”

When a disc jockey or a talk show host or a journalist who is being paid to work from his or her home tells people who can't work, pay bills or pay their rent or mortgage to “Stay home and be careful because we're all in this together,” it's okay to question the premise.

— Pat Sajak (@patsajak) May 16, 2020
And it is okay to question the premise, because it is completely illogical. To be clear, people shouldn't be mad at celebrities for having earned large salaries and living carefree in their Hollywood estates. That is their right and they have, to a certain extent, “earned” it. But those same people cannot now speak to everyday citizens and expect them to be a welcoming audience that feels like we are dealing with the same crisis, because we are not. There is a class structure in America and certain struggles do no transcend all classes.

So, it's okay to be upset if you are a lower or middle class working family that is now expected to survive off of limited government assistance during a time with no resolution in sight. It's okay to be angry with millionaires who are toeing the Democrat line and saying “just stay home” when they could never understand your struggle.

The bottom line is this: when this entire “pandemic” started it was about flattening the curve and keeping the vulnerable healthy. And to be clear, it should still be about keeping our most vulnerable safe. But the curve is flattened and these rules cannot continue, particularly when the survival rate is 99 percent.

The economy has to reopen and people have to return to normal, whatever that may be. This will not be the last pandemic or outbreak of a new disease, and we cannot approach the disease the same way again. We the people have failed just as much as local and state leaders—we have allowed them to run wild with power.

This piece was written by Drew Berquist on May 17, 2020. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com and is used by permission.

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