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Watch: Matt Gaetz Tears Into Al Sharpton By Repeating His Racist Comments During Hearing

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
A House Judiciary Committee hearing on law enforcement, already a joke because of Al Sharpton's presence, descended into chaos when Rep. Matt Gaetz brought up the ‘reverend's' history of incendiary, racist, and anti-Semitic comments.

Sharpton, who has a history of such rhetoric, as well as being behind the famous Tawana Brawley hoax and inciting violence that started a fire, killing several people, was somehow brought in by Democrats as an expert on policing.

Gaetz eviscerated the so-called expert, citing a resolution by former congressman and MSNBC colleague Joe Scarborough in 2000, condemning Sharpton as a racist and anti-Semite.

He then slammed Sharpton by repeating his own comments. Comments, we might add, that would leave most people in the news industry without a job, and would certainly preclude them from taking part in a discussion on police brutality.

“Have you ever referred to members of the Jewish faith as white interlopers or diamond merchants?” Gaetz asked.

Shortly thereafter he questioned, “Have you ever referred to African-Americans who disagree with you as cocktail-sip Negroes?”

Sharpton admitted, “I have.”

RELATED: Sheriff Slaps Race-Baiter Al Sharpton: ‘Mind Your Own Business'

Matt Gaetz Unloads on Al Sharpton!
Watch Al try to explain away his racist and bigotted comments as Dem committee members try to rescue him.@RepMattGaetz pic.twitter.com/dFYPimRrX7

— TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) September 19, 2019
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Gaetz continued: “Have you ever said, ‘If the Jews want to get it on, they can pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house?”

What a shock it must have been for journalists watching this hearing to get hit with these comments and wonder, ‘Has he really said these things?'

Why yes, yes he has.

Sharpton argued that his past racist and anti-Semitic comments have nothing to with policing. Which is utterly hilarious coming from a man who tries, as a career, to paint police officers as racists.

RELATED: President Hammers Race-Baiter Al Sharpton: ‘He Hates Whites and Cops'

“Reverend Sharpton has come before the House Judiciary Committee as a purported expert on policing,” Gaetz said. “Yet his bigoted statements undermine the bipartisan work we should be doing to ensure that all citizens are able to come together and have safe communities.”

It should also be noted that Sharpton's words, oftentimes, lead to police action.

For instance, the MSNBC host incited a three-day riot in Crown Heights that resulted in the death of an innocent Hasidic Jewish student visiting from Australia.

He also started a protest at Freddie's Fashion Mart that led one protester to attack the store, shoot several customers, and start a fire that killed seven employees.

RELATED: Al Sharpton Misspells the Word ‘Respect' While Trying to Mock Trump

Sharpton's entire career as a race-baiter began when he raised his profile by completely fabricating a race crime, backing Tawana Brawley in falsely accusing four white men, including a state trooper and Steven Pagones, an Assistant District Attorney in Dutchess County, New York, of rape.

So why the hell would Democrats think this man should be testifying at a hearing about police brutality?

The President unloaded on Sharpton recently when the latter visited Baltimore amidst controversy surrounding Trump's comments about the rat-infested city.

“Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing,” Trump tweeted. “[He] hates Whites [and] Cops!”

The post Watch: Matt Gaetz Tears Into Al Sharpton By Repeating His Racist Comments During Hearing appeared first on The Political Insider.

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