I have to admit, I don't typically watch these AOC periscope videos . Not even to laugh or mock her, and that's saying a lot because I'll pretty watch anything that comes down the pike.
But today I did watch one of her videos and it was a doozy so I had to share it with you.
The best part about this video is that AOC got her creepy white red-headed boyfriend to go on camera to lecture all of us about how “racist” we are.
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AOC's boyfriend's name is Riley Roberts and his claim to fame (besides being Mr. AOC) is that he's a tech guy who works in web development.
So, as you can see, he's clearly the best guy to lecture on racism. Tech guys and web developers are the people with their fingers on the pulse of society, right?
Riley says that we're all racist, we just don't realize it.
Good lord.
You can watch the video below:“So Riley, what has been helpful to you in combating racism?” AOC asks her beau.
“I think it's helpful and important to talk to other white people about racism, and I think a lot of people, they don't want to be racist,” Roberts responds, looking as though he's trying to remember what he was supposed to say. “They don't think that they're racist, but they also don't know some of the things they believe or say are and can be racist.”
His solution includes explaining to your friends why their “racist” opinions are “wrong,” though it should be noted that neither party really defined what constitutes a “racist opinion.” Roberts also noted that you shouldn't explicitly to your fellow white person that they are a “racist” in the first conversation. They suggest having a “right vs. wrong” chat before talking about “racist vs. not racist vs. anti-racist” ideals. [Bizpacreview]
What's really scary is that this is the new “leadership” of the Democrat Party.
This dynamic duo is the driving force behind things like trying to remove a duly-elected U.S. President, canceling the Second Amendment, and pushing a pro-choice agenda.
These two, and AOC'c cohorts, are so self-entitled and narcissistic that they truly believe they are experts on everything and are well-equipped to lecture Americans on how to behave, think, and speak.
And what's even scarier is that there's a huge chunk of the population that believes this to be true.
This piece originally appeared on WayneDupree.com and is used by permission.
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The post WATCH: AOC's boyfriend creeps everyone out in this “how to not be a racist” video appeared first on LifeZette.
The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2020/02/watch-aocs-boyfriend-creeps-everyone-out-in-this-how-to-not-be-a-racist-video/ target=_blank >WATCH: AOC’s boyfriend creeps everyone out in this “how to not be a racist” video</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House
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