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Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Street Artist ‘Sabo’ Without Explanation

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Conservative street artist ‘Sabo' was permanently banned from Twitter this week.

Social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook specifically target conservatives for suspension and shadowbanning.

Political censorship is dangerous and it must be stopped.

Breitbart reported:

Sabo, who ran the @UnsavoryAgents account, was banned from the platform on Friday.

“Was not told why or for how long. I just saw I no longer have my 32,000 followers and I'm no longer following anybody,” claimed Sabo in an email to Breitbart Tech. “They want nothing less than to completely destroy us on the Right.”

Sabo has previously targeted Harvey Weinstein, the Oscars, the Golden Globes, various anti-Trump celebrities and even Hillary Clinton with very incendiary street art strategically placed in Los Angeles, California.

Recently Sabo unveiled street art taking aim at Zuckerberg after privacy concerns were raised with Facebook.

Looks like more great work from @unsavoryagents.

This is absolutely hilarious. #Zuckerberg #Schumer pic.twitter.com/E5q2s5cuDs

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) April 4, 2018

Trump supporters were furious after Twitter banned Sabo.

Bring Sabo Back you miserable crybaby Bitchez @unsavoryagents

— RockPrincess (@Rockprincess818) April 14, 2018

Where did @unsavoryagents go, @jack ?
Conservative Street Artist ‘Sabo' Banned from Twitter https://t.co/3LpWUYjVAf via @BreitbartNews

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) April 14, 2018

Another conservative, @unsavoryagents, has been banned from Twitter without any explanation or reason.

Hundreds of accounts in recent weeks have been silenced and deplatformed for their political ideology.

When will congress address the systematic censorship of conservatives? pic.twitter.com/BeINQu8roH

— Mike Tokes (@MikeTokes) April 14, 2018

Twatter Nazis suspended Sabo's account @unsavoryagents @MarkDice hit today. Who else? #censorship

— Shadow Banned (@TacoState) April 13, 2018

What the hell? @unsavoryagents pic.twitter.com/KbqaQaM0KQ

— DeplorableDeb (@yourpaldeb) April 13, 2018

@unsavoryagents @jackdorsey How's it feel to be the facist Jack? Free speech? Only if you agree with Jack. pic.twitter.com/JNypGnQWRV

— JMIrish (@JmIrishMan) April 14, 2018

Outrageous!! Twitter bans my favorite street artist Sabo @unsavoryagents ! pic.twitter.com/mnJjTRZBQ3

— BCAC (@ignorancecosts) April 14, 2018

The post Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Street Artist ‘Sabo' Without Explanation appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

The post <a href=http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/04/twitter-permanently-suspends-conservative-street-artist-sabo-without-explanation/ target=_blank >Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Street Artist ‘Sabo’ Without Explanation</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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