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Tucker Carlson Blasts CNN for Defending Antifa: ‘They Are Literally Promoting Violence’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Fox News' Tucker Carlson is calling out CNN's defense of Antifa, saying of the cable news outlet, “they are literally promoting violence.”

Carlson opened his Monday segment declaring, “Antifa is a domestic terror group, they commit violence for political ends.” He then showed two CNN clips of host Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo seeming to defend Antifa. Carlson added, “But to CNN they're heroes.”

Carlson blasted Cuomo's claim that Antifa's mission is to “fight against hate” by saying “imaging saying something like that?” Carlson accused Cuomo of pushing propaganda.

The Fox News host then took aim at the host of CNN's United Shades of America, W. Kamau Bell, who Carlson called “professional hater.” Two months ago, Bell featured a group called the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club on an episode of his CNN show, which Carlson said was the violent Antifa group.

“Throughout the show, Bell was shown laughing and joking with members of various Antifa groups,” Newsbusters reported Monday. “One individual showed off a pair of pastel brass knuckles and a tactical knife which she boasted about carrying with her when she engaged in ‘activism.”

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Carlson showed host Bell handling weaponry, and noted that while there was a cable news rivalry between Fox News and CNN, that this was a bridge too far. CNN is “literally promoting violence,” Carlson insisted. He also pointed out how Bell promoted donations of the Gun Club group on his social media, which Carlson said was irresponsible.

The Left is Mad Because They Know He's Right

The left pushed back against Carlson's assertions of course, but how is he wrong?

If we can agree that Antifa is a terrorist organization, and CNN hosts are promoting groups that are part of that organization or related to it–and openly advocating the use of violence as “activism” while the cable news outlet airs it approvingly–how is this in any way acceptable?

And if Bell is trying to raise money for the group through his Twitter, he us using his CNN platform to advertise and promote a terrorist group any way you cut it.

Liberals will continue to get mad at Tucker Carlson for speaking out on this–because they know he's right.

The post Tucker Carlson Blasts CNN for Defending Antifa: ‘They Are Literally Promoting Violence' appeared first on The Political Insider.

The post <a href=https://thepoliticalinsider.com/tucker-carlson-blasts-cnn-for-defending-antifa-they-are-literally-promoting-violence/ target=_blank >Tucker Carlson Blasts CNN for Defending Antifa: ‘They Are Literally Promoting Violence’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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