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Trump Jr. Urges Republicans To Vote Early

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

Donald Trump Jr. urged Republicans to vote as soon as they can over the next several days as the 2024 presidential election comes to a close.

He made the remarks Sunday evening at Madison Square Garden in New York City ahead of his father’s speech.

“The media would like to pretend that Kamala Harris started her political career about a month ago in a coup,” he said, calling the way that Harris took the nomination the most undemocratic process ever.

“She’s going to be a moderate, folks, she’s going to be a moderate, a radical San Francisco liberal, the daughter of a Marxist professor is now magically going to be a moderate,” he said, mocking the media’s claims.

He continued, “No one’s buying it anymore. You know why? Because they’ve been lying to you for the last nine years and you’re not buying their crap anymore.”

“You’ve had enough,” he said. “The fact that I could drive here today with my father for like 25 blocks and watch the streets of New York lined up with red MAGA hats tells us everything you need to know. You had four years under Donald Trump, and despite the most vicious opposition from the media, from big tech, from the Democrats, and even from the weakling Republicans, you got results.”

He said the part of the Harris campaign that does not make sense was why she was not working to fix problems now, before January 20.

“Americans are suffering. People can’t make rent,” he said. “Businesses are going under, grocery prices are too expensive. I tell a story last summer. Last summer, I was coming back from a fishing trip with two of my boys, and we went to McDonald’s, and it was $48 for a 10-year-old, a 14-year-old, and me and guys, let me tell you, if Donald Trump Jr. has sticker shock at McDonald’s, we have a serious problem.”

.@DonaldJTrumpJr shares a story about spending $48 at McDonald’s for 2 kids and himself, blasting Kamalanomics:


— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 27, 2024
He said that the country had a “once in a lifetime opportunity to change Washington, to put in common sense practices, to put Americans first, because they’re not first right now.”

“The Democrat Party has forgotten about Americans, rather than cater to Americans, they decided, you know what, it would just be easier to replace them with people who will be reliable voters,” he continued. “The insanity has to stop, and the fact that we can pack Madison Square Garden in the heart of New York City shows me that the spirit of the American people is there, that same spirit my father showed on July 13th, that’s the spirit of America.”

“That’s the spirit we need going into Election Day,” he concluded. “So for the next nine days, each and every one of you, you line up like you’re the third monkey on line for the Ark and it’s starting to rain. You vote, you vote early, and then you bring your friends so that we can take back our country once and for all. And when we do that, guys, we’re not just going to make America great again. We’re going to make the world great, we’re going to make the world safe, we’re going to fix it all. Get out there, guys.”


.@DonaldJTrumpJr‘s full speech at Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally. pic.twitter.com/rLT0lHl5J1

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 27, 2024
The post <a href=https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-jr-urges-republicans-to-vote-early target=_blank >Trump Jr. Urges Republicans To Vote Early</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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