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Trump’s Dramatic New Plan to Overhaul Our Country’s Immigration System

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Speaking on Thursday in the White House Rose Garden, President Donald Trump shared bold new plans for immigration reform in this country.

While the proposal is expected to keep overall levels of legal immigration at about the same as they are right now, the Trump plan — which still needs congressional support — would increase the number of merit-based and skills-based visas that the country offers, while also reducing the immigration levels of family members.

Right now in this country, some 12 percent of immigrants are admitted based on their skills — while 66 percent are admitted based on family ties, as Fox Business and others have pointed out.

Trump is trying to shift those percentages to 57 percent and 33 percent, respectively.

The president talked about replacing existing green cards with a new “Build America Visa.”

Trump described the immigration selection system he'd like to see implemented, which would include a new points-based system.

“You will get more points for being a younger worker, meaning you will contribute more to our social safety net,” said Trump.

“You will get more points for having a valuable skill and offer of employment and advanced education or a plan to create jobs.”

He also said, “Priority will also be given to higher wage workers, ensuring we never undercut American labor. To protect benefits from American citizens, immigrants must be financially self-sufficient. Finally, to promote integration, assimilation and national unity, future immigrants will be required to learn English and to pass a civics exam prior to admission.”

His plans did not address illegal immigration issues in this country.

Naturally there was a great deal of skepticism from Democrats even before Trump announced his proposals; they're particularly concerned about “merit” as opposed to full acceptance of any family wanting to come to this country for any reason.

Watch this video — then check out the tweets below for more information:

President Trump just unveiled his plan to create a fair, modern, and LAWFUL immigration system for America!

"Our proposal builds upon our Nation's rich history of immigration, while strengthening the bonds of citizenship that bind us together as a national family.” pic.twitter.com/rkPmbZbCzt

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) May 16, 2019
WATCH LIVE: President Trump unveils immigration planhttps://t.co/zf6hCYWIKg pic.twitter.com/k2FghbwYON

— The Hill (@thehill) May 16, 2019
Trump lays out details for his new immigration plan, which will include immigrants to take a civics test and be required to learn english.

"Through these steps, we will deliver an immigration system that respects and even strengthens our traditions, our culture and our values" pic.twitter.com/R7ry9YvHnO

— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) May 16, 2019
The post Trump's Dramatic New Plan to Overhaul Our Country's Immigration System appeared first on LifeZette.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2019/05/trumps-dramatic-new-plan-to-overhaul-our-countrys-immigration-system/ target=_blank >Trump’s Dramatic New Plan to Overhaul Our Country’s Immigration System</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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