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The Queen Of Division And Confusion Is Quoting Scripture Again

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
During this entire COVID-19 threat, President Trump has been pro-active in recognizing what needed to be done.

One of those early decisions that helped turn the tide was issuing travel restrictions from China. Even with Pres. Trump was trying to do things right, remember when Democrats and some in the media called his actions “racist” and “xenophobic” at the time.

Trump likely saved thousands of American lives by his early actions, despite the Democrats continually lying about it.

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This is a direct quote from President Trump's State of the Union speech, which was given February 4, 2020:

“Protecting Americans' health also means fighting infectious diseases. We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the Coronavirus outbreak in China. My Administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat.”
This speech was given before any Democrat did anything about COVID-19.

Infamously, Rep. Nancy Pelosi did not applaud the President for his actions for all the world to see. Instead of being pro-active and coming across as someone that wants to help heal the divide, Pelosi tore up her copy of the speech as an insult to Trump, which turned out to be an arrogant slap in the face to more than half of America.

Now Pelosi wants to quote scripture when she sees fit.

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.@SpeakerPelosi calls for release of federal prisoners: "In our caucus, we are very devoted to the Gospel of Matthew; 'When I was hungry, you fed me, when I was homeless, you sheltered me, when I was imprisoned, you visited me.' And so this for us is a part of our value system." pic.twitter.com/GGN7F6llQU

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 26, 2020
That any Democrat would reference the Bible or Christian values is hypocrisy beyond measure.

They always quote Matthew, but the Democrat version goes like this: ‘When I was hungry, you fed me, after registering me to vote. When I was homeless, you sheltered me, yep pick a piece of sidewalk in San Fran. When I was in prison, you visited me as a reliable Democrat vote. When I was a fetus, you murdered me as a convenience. That's Democrat values in practice. Spare us the hypocrisy as somehow being for ‘human rights.'

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And by the way, Christians aren't against people visiting inmates in prison. On the contrary, they have a severe problem with prisoners visiting innocent people inside their homes, at night, before they victimize them. Once again, how does this party of abortion pull a value system from the bible?

Humans are only useful to you if they can be lied to and deceived into believing they care about you. Hey Nancy, when the prisoners are released, will you invite them over for ice cream? crickets chirping

Didn't think so.


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