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Thank You Lord for Thanksgiving!

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018

This year we have all the more reason to give thanks to the Lord God of All Creation for the myriad blessings in each of our lives; and for the blessings that can still be seen and named in our Nation. I pray this article will once again speak to all of us. Supernaturally may the Lord of Lords and King of Kings allow my own personal feelings of “thank you” resonate in your heart as I send this article out across the miles reaching many on both coasts and at our borders north and south. Among so many blessings I enjoy, I am blessed to have the privilege to write these articles and share my thoughts and observations. I pray my sharing affords you a moment to reflect on what I have written whether you truly agree or not, may my words have created some thoughts and personal inventory. I pray you are then led to spend some time sharing privately with the Lord, just you and Him. I will then have so very much more to be thankful for. -LJR

Originally published on The Olive Branch Report Nov. 26 2013

As we gather with family and friends to count the Lord's blessing on this 340th celebration of Thanksgiving, we are right – despite the myriad Middle East troubles and economic woes at home – to be thankful for harvests and harbors and harpists and hearths, for heart surgery, harmonics, our health.

We are grateful, God of our fathers for silicon chips and shaloms, for salads and salmon and sales, for Shakespeare and schools. We are thankful for roller-skates and blue jeans that fade and dreams that don't. We thank you, Lord for your help in ages past and our hope for years to come. We voice our praise for progress and proms, promotions and promises with being hired, and the surgery that was a success!

God of grace and glory, we thank you for elections and electricity, for elephants and Einstein and Edison. We thank you for debates and rebates, and we thank you for so loving this world you gave your only begotten Son. We thank you, Lord.

Our father's God to Thee, the Author of Liberty, we offer thanks for yellow submarines and purple mountains majesties; for interns and nurses, for blood banks and butterflies, atoms and ants and the ancient assurance that “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

Our thankful praise, Lord, for weddings and waffles, winks and woks. Let us not forget solar heat and lemon-aid, all things chocolate and for my wife, everything without calories that taste good. For homes and homecomings, for the true meaning of Christmas and for crayons, for fleece and flamingos and flags, especially our great flag of these United States. We truly are thankful and grateful to you for ordaining Thanksgiving, and our Nation.

Lord of all, to Thee we raise our Thanksgiving praise for healing beyond hurt, for love beyond measure, for life beyond life, and mysteries beyond comprehending. But most of all we are grateful that “neither death, nor life…nor principalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God.”

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