A baby who was born at less than a pound in San Diego, and who was the smallest-recorded surviving infant in the world, has gone home five months after being born as a healthy baby, according to the Associated Press.
Saybie (the name used by the doctors caring for the baby at the hospital) was born at 23 weeks and three days, and weighed in at a mere 8.6 ounces at birth. She was able to go home this month, weighing about five pounds after spending five months in neonatal intensive care.
"After experiencing severe pregnancy complications, Saybie's mother gave birth via emergency cesarean section at 23 weeks, 3 days gestation in the womb," a hospital representative said at a press conference. "Doctors said the preterm birth was necessary after they found that the baby was not gaining weight and her mother's life was at immediate risk."
After Saybie was born, doctors told the father that he had an hour to spend with his child before she died. The baby was small enough to fit in the palm of someone's hand.
Doctors said Saybie experienced "virtually none" of the medical complications that typically come when a baby is born as a "micropreemie," which refers to babies born before 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Saybie's inspiring story of survival comes during a time when the abortion debate is as contentious as it has ever been. States such as Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana have passes pro-life laws establishing the right to life for unborn babies and banning abortions at six weeks of pregnancy, or in Alabama's case, altogether (except to save the life of the mother).
Meanwhile, states like New York and Virginia have enacted laws this year that allow abortions even beyond 24 weeks in some circumstances, such as unspecified threats to the mother's mental and/or physical health.
Saybie's survival puts a real, human face on a fact that pro-life advocates consistently assert: A fetus in the womb is a human life, and deserves a chance to live.
World's Smallest Baby Born in San Diego at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital
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