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Sen. Kamala Harris ‘Jokes’ About Being In An Elevator With Trump: ‘Does One Of Us Have To Come Out Alive?’

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
Ah, the massive double standard continues!

Sen. Kamala Harris appeared on Ellen DeGeneres' show and casually joked about killing President Trump in an elevator. NBD or anything.

Ellen asked the question, “If you had to be stuck on an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions, who would it be?”

Kamala's response? “Does one of us have to come out alive?”

That remark starts around the 7:55 mark–

HAHAHA AW SO CUTE AND FUNNY! Right? LOLZ. She's so #relatable. Right resisters?

For the record, I'm not offended. I don't think she'd actually murder the president, given the chance. She can joke about that all day long. I don't care. I'm offended by the UNBELIEVABLE double standard. Can you imagine if, say, Sen. Ted Cruz made the same joke about Obama? He'd be called a psycho racist for SURE. The headlines would be, “Conservative Senator Expresses His Desire To MURDER President Obama!”

You know it's true. But don't you see? Kamala is allowed to make jokes like that, because she's 1.) A woman and 2.) A liberal Democrat. Keep in mind that she would NOT be allowed to make that joke of she weren't BOTH of those things. They wouldn't tolerate a conservative woman saying that about a liberal president.

There's you dose of liberal hypocrisy for the day. Enjoy!

The post <a href=https://www.chicksonright.com/2018/04/05/sen-kamala-harris-jokes-about-being-in-an-elevator-with-trump-does-one-of-us-have-to-come-out-alive/ target=_blank >Sen. Kamala Harris ‘Jokes’ About Being In An Elevator With Trump: ‘Does One Of Us Have To Come Out Alive?’</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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