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RNC Convention Key Takeaways, Day 1

Jul 30, 2020

Land of Promise was the theme for the first night of the 2020 Republican Convention. Visually, night one of four was dynamic and flowed from one speaker to another with smooth transitions and attractive backdrops like the Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium and the White House. Time-wise, it did not drag rather moved at a fast pace.

Stylistically there was high energy and real “Feels” as each person shared their stories live. They limited the number of video montages, but the ones chosen were informative, optimistic, inspirational, and offered powerful messages. Despite the virus restrictions, the RNC managed to deliver high production value for the first night and message discipline.

Day Session:

  • A few hundred gathered in Charlotte, NC (COVID restrictions) in the official live nomination of the President and an enthusiastic roll call of the states. Participants frequently broke out in “four more years” chants, and state delegates made mini speeches about why their state chose to nominate Trump again. The delegate from Oregon even held up a sign stating recall Gov. Kate Brown and spoke about the anarchy in Portland. Both VP Pence and President Trump made surprise appearances and gave thank you speeches for the delegate’s hard work and sacrifice. Watch the Roll Call Video /speeches here.
CLICK HERE for the detail - too much to post.

President Donald Trump released his second-term agenda in advance, and many of the items were highlighted tonight – see here.

The four objectives for night one:

  1. Boldly call out the Media and Democrats cynical lies and expose Americans to who Trump is and what he has actually accomplished as President to date without the filter of the media.
  2. Showcase what the Republican Party stands for versus what the Media and Democrats narrative says it is. Night one was young, female, diverse, and direction was inclusive and optimistic.No victims or Identity politics, just unity and vision for all.
  3. Show Americans the real Trump record on the pandemic response and lay down markers exposing the lies perpetrated on them by the media and Democrats.
  4. Contrast Trump’s vision for our country with Biden/Harris’s vision and reviewing accomplishments without the media filter. Personal stories addressed the smears about Trump being a racist, lazy, lacking empathy, authoritarian, and “a danger to our democracy.”
Right Wire Report will be doing a summary on each consecutive night remaining, so check back. But in the meantime, we leave you all with an intellectual exercise that will be both enlightening and affirming as well as depressing. Take 15 minutes of your day and google headlines after each night, and compare and contrast, to Democrat convention headlines. Truly, eye-opening.

RWR original article syndication source.