It has now been 19 years since the horrible events of 911 occurred. Americans are commemorating 9/11 with tributes that have been altered by coronavirus precautions and woven into the presidential campaign, drawing both President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden to pay respects at the same memorial without crossing paths.
In New York, a dispute over coronavirus-safety precautions is leading to split-screen remembrances Friday, one at the Sept. 11 memorial plaza at the World Trade Center and another on a nearby corner. The Pentagon’s observance will be so restricted that not even victims’ families can attend, though small groups can visit the memorial there later in the day. Trump and Biden are both headed – at different times – to the Flight 93 National Memorial near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Trump is speaking at the morning ceremony, the White House said. Biden plans to pay respects there in the afternoon after attending the observance at the 9/11 memorial in New York. See here the 911 time to remember once again the events:
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On this tragic remembrance day, our thoughts first turn towards the victims and their families who suffered. On the day after, it was remarkable to see America and the world pull together in solidarity – regardless of race, gender, or freedom seeking nationality. Then the world mustered the courage to confront the terrorist who perpetrated this tragedy. But events are moving on and new threats are appearing.
This great country who has survived vicious attacks over the years including the atrocity of 911 is now seemingly allowing itself to be torn apart by even a greater threat. There are evil and vile elements in our midst today, that are the new freedom-hating terrorists – those who seek change via violence. They seek to divide America based on race, class, and religion. The Right Wire Report hopes and prays that the good people of this great country once again, muster the courage to face this new challenge. The alternatives could make very dark times. Never forget the 911 event and its broader context to keep America safe and prosperous.