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Pope Frances Calls For More Gun Control After Mass Shooting

Conservative Angle

Conservative Angle Administrator
Staff Member
Feb 22, 2018
After the news broke that yet another mass shooting had happened in America, this time at the Robb Elementary School in Texas, the Biden administration, Democrats, and the mainstream media all captured the moment to push their agenda. For the White House and Democrats, the push to ban what they call “assault rifles” was one of the main talking points in the speech President Joe Biden gave about the killing of 19 children and two adults. Adding to the narrative, the mainstream media and celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg all criticized thoughts and prayers while calling for action. On top of D.C. and Hollywood, the Pope also promoted more gun control in the United States.

Speaking to an audience at the St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, Pope Francis stated, “I am praying for the children and adults who were killed, and for their families. It is time to say enough to the indiscriminate trafficking of arms. Let us all make a commitment, so that tragedies like this cannot happen again.”

With the Pope taking a stance, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, who is an archbishop in Chicago, agreed with the words, adding, “The size of the crisis, and its sheer horror, make it all too easy to toss up one’s hands and declare: Nothing can be done. But that is the counsel of despair, and we are a people of hope. What do we hope for our children? The Second Amendment did not come down from Sinai.”

The archbishop continued, “The right to bear arms will never be more important than human life,” he added. “Our children have rights too. And our elected officials have a moral duty to protect them.”

As of Wednesday, there were 17 children injured during the shooting with a 10-year-old girl currently in serious condition. Another two children, 9 and 10, were reported to be injured but are in good condition.

Another voice to the call for more gun control, the coach of the Golden State Warriors, Steve Kerr was shaken by the news as he didn’t speak on the upcoming games but pleaded for more restrictions on the rights of gun ownership.

This piece was written by Jeremy Porter on May 26, 2022. It originally appeared in DrewBerquist.com and is used by permission.

The post <a href=https://www.lifezette.com/2022/05/pope-frances-calls-for-more-gun-control-after-mass-shooting/ target=_blank >Pope Frances Calls For More Gun Control After Mass Shooting</a> appeared first on Conservative Angle | Conservative Angle - Conservative News Clearing House

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